Chapter 81

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Demi's POV

Winter and Connor's bags were packed and they were filling the mini cooper up to the brim.

They were moving into a small house down the road with a small garden and 2 bedrooms.

Winter had just got her first job as an ice-cream woman. We died laughing when she drove her ice-cream van onto the driveway.

Hazel helped her at the weekends since Winter let her eat as much ice-cream as she wanted as payment.

Hazel and Carly both began to like different things.

Carly was into sport and Hazel into fashion and food. Hazel spent all of her time cooking, shopping or trying out new makeup styles. And yes, they were only ten.

Jackson had developed a hilarious sense of humour. His smile could make anyone smile, and his laugh was contagious.

Evie started dance classes. She had already won major competitions and been named 'Dancer of the year' and 'Junior champion dancer'. Every Saturday she went to stagecoach and loved to read even though she refused to admit it.

Hunter had discovered a passion for acting and dancing. Every Saturday, either Me or Nick took him to the local stage coach with Evie, and he was already in a movie with Zac Effron, Anna Kendrick and Lilly Collins. He was the main character as well.

Sabrina became shy and quiet and loved to paint, draw, read and sing. She had a hilarious sense of humour when she did speak and didn't have that many friends. I don't think she minded because she hung around with her family so much.

Caleb had problems talking so he could speak properly. But he was so cute it didn't matter. He was adorable.

Orlando and Noah became the men of the house even though they were the youngest boys in the family. Sabrina and Austin got picked on a lot at school. One time, Orlando chopped off one girl's pony tail and ran round with it as a horn saying he was a unicorn. He got sent to the principals office. Noah pulled down another girls skirt because they called Sabrina 'ugly' then hugged Sabrina and told her she was the prettiest in the world, obviously after him. One boy said that Austin was a idiot so Orlando punched him in the stomach. When the boys were playing football, a boy who was three years older than Orlando tripped Austin up and Austin broke his arm. Orlando got in a pretty nasty fight with the boy and won. I didn't tell Orlando off either. But the principal did, threatening to expel Orlando.

Austin acted like a girl rather than a boy. He let Hazel, Carly and Sabrina dress him up in dresses and played babies and played with barbies rather than cars with Noah and Orlando. Noah and Orlando didn't mind though and still love him.

We took Austin to the doctors and they told us that Austin is transgender. Austin grew his hair past his shoulders and changed his name to Piper. We had no idea where he got the name Piper but we went along with it. We moved Piper to a new school and she went there as Piper Lovato and dressed as a girl everyday.

Harper was diagnosed with down syndrome. She went to a special school and she loved to sing, read and she loved watching anything on TV. Her having down syndrome didn't stop anything. She still acted like all the other girls in her class and she still was an adorable, happy little girl.

"MUM!" Carly and Hazel shouted.

I snapped out of my daydream.

"We asked if you wanted ketchup on your chips." Hazel said rolling her eyes.

"Yes, please."

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