Chapter 14

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Demi's POV

I could hear beeps.
I knew I was in hospital.
My eyes opened and I saw my Mum sat next to my bed.
"Where's Hazel and Carly?" I said.
"Who?" My Mum asked.
I grabbed my phone which was on my bedside table and rang my neighbours.
They picked up after 3 rings.
"Demi?" She said when she picked up.
"Is Carly and Hazel with you??" I asked. I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Yes, where are you??" She said with an annoyed tone in her voice.
"Hospital, please can you look after them, until I'm released." I asked.
"Of course, Darling, get well soon!!" She said than hung up.
A doctor walked into the room.
"Ahh, your awake. Are you in any pain at the moment??" He asked.
I shook my head.
"Ok, you have a broken leg, broken arm and that's it. You have lots of bruises and cuts from the man beating you, and as far as we know the man who did it is now in prison." He informed.
"Ok, Thank you doctor," I said, "When can I leave??"
"You can leave as soon as we have put plaster on your arm and leg." He said.

Sorry, short chapter, I have had lots of homework since its nearly Easter break and etc.
If anyone has ideas or wants to write a chapter, PM them to me or comment them.
Bye X

Demi's Daughter #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now