Chapter 11- Part 1

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Jake's POV~

"We are serious, why would we joke about this?!" I ask, my frustration rising with Emmett.

"Don't know, but we have to make certain, Alice?" Emmett asks, turning to face her. 

She shrugs her shoulders. "I haven't seen anything but if Jake or any of the other wolves are involved in the reasons they're here in the future that's why I can't." 

"Are you sure you haven't seen anything?" I ask.

"Look," I say, shifting my attention to Bella as she knows me the most. "You know me, and I know how much hell we went through to get Nessie back from the Volturi, I would panic if they came here again. I would definitely not say something to any of you if we were not certain of this. Seth and some others, while keeping watch, said they saw the blonde one, Jane, in Forks, with another whom they did not recognise."

"Another?" Carlisle asks.

Edward focuses on Seth, obviously trying to see if he knows who it is but he appears to have a strange expression on his face. "Not one I recognise Carlisle," Edward says after a while. 

One he doesn't recognise? Didn't we see all of them when they came to kill Nessie? Or maybe . . . Suddenly I feel angry, and I know that I am right. 

I go to speak but Edward is already nodding his head. Geez, sometimes that really bugs me. "Yes, Jake, it could be the one who was inflicting that harm on Renesmee for all we know, as it is someone we don't know of." 

"If it is I swear I'll-"

"Jake," Bella warns. 

"No, Bells, not this time. This is personal to me. They have ruined everything and I will not let that . . . I won't let him get away with that. No way, not if I have anything to do with it." 

"Jake, we know that, but it's not that easy. We have to be very cautious from now on if Jane and that other is here as we have no idea why they're here."

"Oh, I have a pretty good idea," I burst out before thinking. I know everyone would be thinking it but it doesn't mean it needed to be said aloud. I see Bella shiver and I know that it is definitely not due to being cold. 

"That's why we have to be cautious."

"You have to warn Nessie, Bel-"

"No. She cannot know. She has only just started to relax, started acting like herself. We are not putting her backwards in her recovery, Jake." 

"She will be furious if she finds out that you knew about this."

"We know that," Esme chimes in. "But we have to delay it as long as we possibly can. And we have to atleast try for her to have a decent birthday this year, not to have it ruined by the Volturi once again. It is in three weeks."

"I know that, I'm just saying I think we should tell her now."

"None of us should," Bella warns. "Especially not you, Jake. She is still afraid of you."

"Bella, you just said she's recovering."

"Not with you, yet. We're her parents, we will tell her when we think she has to know, not before then." 

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