Not Completely Human

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AN: Chapter eight. Enjoy, followers.


I looked at them and seated myself in a large unoccupied chair. Then I began.

"I was born on the thirteenth of September, year nineteen eighty seven. I was different than other babies though, I wasn't completely human. I was two percent bird. Before the doctors had a chance to speculate about me, the white coats slipped me away. That was the first day of my life, and I was already being experimented on." I took a deep breath and continued.

"From then on I was the most thought about experiment. Everyone was surprised that I hadn't died yet. So they created more, an entire flock of kids. Nowadays I have no clue where they are, just that they have a blog.

"At the ripe age of four I managed to escape the lab. I took off like a bat outta hell and I didn't dare look back. Ever since then I have been on my own. Every once in a while I'd get recaptured, but I always managed to escape again. So there's my story," I said, finishing my tale.

Everyone had been silent but now Rosalie spoke up, her face angry.

"So you expect us to accept this story you've spun up out of nowhere. Being part bird is impossible. Animals and humans can't mate together," she snapped, putting her hands on her hips.

I mimicked her posture.

"Sure, after you've seen this," I said. I smirked at her.

I unfurled my white and dusky grey wings, holding them at my sides. They draped toward the ground, large and impressive.

Edward gasped and I smiled at him, before taking in the rest of the Cullen's reactions. Esme had her hand over her mouth, with Carlisle's arm around her waist as he gawped. Rosalie looked stunned, and Emmett looked like he'd never seen a pair of wings before. Alice had a wide smile on her face, and Jasper seemed to be evaluating me.

"They're real?" Carlisle asked. He looked like he wanted to touch them, to confirm the impossible.

"One hundred percent," I grinned at all of them.

The next question came from a person I wasn't expecting to ask it.

"Can I touch them?" Edward asked.

I extended one wing toward him.

"Sure," I said easily.

Edward stepped forward and grasped one long white primary feather in his hand. He smoothed one white hand down it. He sighed and stepped back.

"They're gorgeous," he told me.

I grinned.

"Thanks," I said.

Edward nodded.

I pulled my wing back in toward me and cleared my throat.

"So, what are you guys?" I asked the Cullens.

They all froze.

Tough luck.

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