Phone Call

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AN: Hello there readers! Sorry for the long wait, but real life has been taking a lot of free time from me. However, here is the next chapter, and I promise more.

I like to thank all the readers voting, commenting, and sticking through with me. Every time I see a new notification I get so excited. It gives me the motivation to write, though the music helps.

If you love Twilight, you'll love this roleplaying forum even more. Its a post Eclipse world, and I play Edward on there. There are a few Cullen's up for the taking, as well as plenty of canons.

NOTE: you must be thirteen or older to join. Sorry, proboards rules.


I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. I decided after I had showered and changed, to wash my outfit and then read the note that was marked Cullen's. Then I would call them and let them know I was okay.

After I'd gotten my outfit washing, I settled down in a chair and pulled the note from my pack. I sighed, then began reading.

Dear Bella,

We all hope your safe. I understand what its like to be alone, but you should be okay for a week or two. None of us wants you to end up at the lab where you were experimented on.

I promise to keep an eye on Edward, for your sake. None of us has ever had to be away from our mate for an extra extended period of time. But as I said, I will keep an eye on Edward.

Alice has assured us that you have what you need. Stay low, don't make a spectacle of yourself, and don't stay in one spot for too long are my pieces of advice. If anything goes wrong you'll be sure to get a call or message.

Best of luck to you Bella.


Carlisle and family.

I sighed as I finished the note and I pulled my new phone out of my bag. I stared at it for a moment before opening it. I pressed power and waited for it to boot up. It didn't take but fifteen seconds. Then I scrolled through contacts and rung Edward.

It seemed to take forever but he picked up.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Edward?" I whispered, not sure if the erasers were here right now, watching.

"Bella," he said, sighing in relief.

"Listen, I can't talk long—as I don't know if they are watching—but I just wanted to tell you I'm okay," I said quickly, my eyes darting everywhere. Was that an eraser outside?

"I know, and I'm glad you're fine. I miss you," he said. His voice cracked over the phone.

"I miss you too," I murmured. "I love you."

I focused my raptor eyesight on the guy, zooming in on him.

"I love you too. Don't you forget that," Edward said softly but sternly as well.

The guy passed another guy, towering over him. That only confirmed my suspicions.

"Listen, I gotta go." Like really. "But I'll call you later, kay?" I said hurriedly. If that was an eraser then it was best I hightailed it out of the apartment.

"Okay," he said. I hung up, wondering why he hadn't mentioned Alice seeing the erasers.

I had no time to think that over though. I quickly packed my bag, making sure to not leave anything behind. I left a note and five dollars for the hotel workers, then opened the window, flew out, and closed it as best I could.

Then I took off, noticing some really tall and bulky people with shiity faces clustered around a van. Erasers. They glanced up, noticing me, but before they could do anything I was long gone, leaving them in the dust. They could chase me, but it would be pointless. I was gone.

Unfornately, that counted for the Cullen's as well. For Edward too. I was missing from their lives, and part of me wondered if it should stay that way. My and Edward's lives were complete polar opposites. I lived a life on the run, and he lived a stable life, one that allowed him to stay in a town for several years.

I sighed, flying through the sky. The most that could be done was following Alice's advice. And that meant returning after two weeks. I sure hoped everything went to plan, because I felt searing pain being away from Edward. At that point I wondered why I contemplated ever staying away from him long term. It just hurt too much.

Night fell, and I settled in the large branches of an oak tree. I stared up at the starry night sky, wondering if Edward was staring at them too and thinking of me. My heart panged, and I fell to sleep miserably, hoping for my happily ever after.

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