Safe Again

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AN: We're getting close to Bella going back to Edward. This chapter is a little short but it semed to want to be that way. School is out for me so I'll be updating more. I also plan on fixing the cover for the story. Something less blurry, hmm?


I woke up the next morning, remembering that I was supposed to call Edward last night. He must be worried sick, wondering what had caused me to hang up the phone. I made it my mission to call him back and let him know I was okay.

Pulling my bag from my back, I pulled the phone out and dialed him. There was a five second wait before he picked up.

"Bella?" he asked, voice worried and tense.

"Yea. I'm fine. There was a bunch of Erasers outside the hotel. I managed to escape before they caught me," I told him.

I heard his breath hitch.

"Why didn't you call?" he asked.

"I forgot," I admitted.

"Oh Bella," he sighed. "Where are you now?"

"In an oak tree out in the forest." I looked down at the ground far below me.

"Well, stay safe okay?" He said.

"I will. I love you." I swung my feet aimlessly, feeling alone.

"I love you too. Keep your head held high. We'll be back together soon," he murmured.

"I know. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright. Goodbye love," he said, and I could hear the love in his voice.

"Bye," I whispered. I hung up.

I put the small phone in my backpack and launched myself into the sky.


Two weeks never seemed to pass so slowly. Everyday I called Edward. Just the sound of his voice was enough to soothe me, but without him in person I was left feeling hollow and empty. The effects never lasted long.

However, the erasers were losing my tail and and I never saw them around anymore. Alice was right, I would get to go home soon. Home. I never thought I'd ever have that but that's exactly what the Cullen's had become to me. What Edward had become to me.

Right now I was flying above Oregon. I had three days before I could return home. Three days. I was excited. Yes I had contemplated never going back, but right now I knew going back to Edward was the right thing to do. That and I just wanted his arms around me again.

I idled in the town of Newton, Oregon. I landed and headed in a grocery store to buy some food for myself. The smell of fresh fruits and vegetables hung in the air and I put some red apples in a bag. I picked a few glazed donuts and added an Arizona tea to the mix. Breakfast was looking good.

I paid and left, heading to a local Taco Bell to get two breakfast burritos. Satisfied, I flew to a park to eat. The wooden table and bench were as comfy as they'd ever be and I tucked in to my food. When I was finished I threw my trash away and looked at the blue sky. My thoughts turned to something I hadn't considered.

Did three days really mean much in the spirit of going back? What would happen if I just went back now? Would the Erasers catch me? Or would I get off scotch free? I figured a call to Edward and Alice was in order. I needed to know, after all.

I just really wanted to go home.

That and I wanted Edward to enfold me in his arms and kiss me. Funny, when did I ever become so attached to a vampire? When you moved to Forks, I thought with amusement.

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