Meeting The Parents

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AN: Chapter seven folks! We're getting closer to Bella and Edward getting together.


I sighed in wonder when I saw their house in front of me. It was a lot different seeing it up close rather than faraway.

"Welcome to our home," Edward said with a smile and held the door open for me when we reached it.

I paused, everything within me screaming to turn around and leave. I was making myself so vulnerable by accepting their generosity. Erasers could find me just because I was a sitting duck. And let's face it, that's never good.

I forced myself to take that step over the doorway. I forced myself to take the ones after. I hoped I wouldn't regret this.

Edward led me to the living room with Alice following us. Alice and Jasper sat beside Emmett and Rosalie. On the opposite couch was a man with blonde hair and a woman with billows of caramel colored hair. They both had kind smiles on their faces compared to Rosalie-who had a scowl on hers.

"Welcome to our home," the blonde man said. "I'm Carlisle Cullen."

I smiled at him.

"Thanks, I'm Bella Swan," I introduced myself.

"It's nice to meet you dear. I'm Esme," the woman with caramel colored hair said.

"Same," I told her.

"Are you by any chance related to Charlie Swan?" Carlisle asked me.

"Charlie Swan," I repeated, recognizing the name. It'd been on the files I'd found of me while digging through the School's files. The School was the lab where I'd been created, and was also the most nightmarish place I'd been.

I hadn't heard of the name for years.

I was also pretty sure he was my father, since he'd been on my birth certificate.

"I think he's my father," I told them, shocked that I was that close to my birth father.

"You think?" Esme asked kindly.

"It's a long story," I admitted, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"We have time," Alice piped in.

"Totally!" Emmett boomed with a large dimpled smile.

"Okay," I sighed. "But afterwards I want to know what you are, since you'll know what I am."

"Deal," Edward said.

We shook on it.

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