Leaving Home

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AN: Chapter Twenty Six folks! I estimate this story will be around fifty chapters, but that's just a guess. There will be a sequel however. Keep following, voting, and commenting! I enjoy every bit of feedback.


Edward and I sorted through the things to bring and the things to leave behind. He packed a mp3 player, the charger, and headphones. He added three days worth of clothes and some photos and jewelry. I could only assume it belonged to some family member when he was human, as Edward had no use for jewelry.

Finished, Edward walked over to me.

"Ready to go pack your stuff?" he asked.

I nodded with a grim smile.

"Yea, let's get to it." I hopped up onto his back when he offered it, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

Edward ran us to my room, setting me down in the middle of it. I surveyed my room, grabbing my backpack and stuffing clothes, my toothbrush, a hairbrush, the leftover wad of cash from running from the erasers and the books Edward had bought for me. That seemed like so long ago now.

"I'm done," I declared.

Edward nodded, wrapping his arms around me.

"I am as well," he said. "Are you ready to lose some erasers?"

"Totally." I smirked. "I'll give them a taste of their own medicine. It'll be bitter and foul."

We headed downstairs where the rest of the family was gathered.

"Everyone ready?" Carlisle asked.

The entire family nodded and said their agreement.

"Bella, can you keep up with us when you're flying or do you want to ride on my back?" Edward asked.

I considered it. Sure I loved being close to Edward, but this was a chance to actively stretch my wings and travel using them. When would I get a chance like this again? I think we all know what my was.

"I can keep up," I said. "You can carry me during the night when I need to rest."

"Alright," Edward murmured. "Just let me know when you are tired."

"Okay. Let's go," Carlisle said, leading the way outside.

The entire family followed, and I did a running take off, snapping my wings out when I jumped off the ground. The feeling of the wind in my white-grey wings was amazing. I leaned forward and started following Edward.

"Keeping up?" Edward said with amusement.

"Totally! I can max three hundred and fifty miles per hour, so don't worry about me." My voice was filled with amusement as well.

I flew down a little so that I was above Edward. He glanced up, looking at my face before his golden eyes focused on my flapping wings.

"You can't truly appreciate the beauty and grace of birds till you see then in the midst of flight," Edward murmured, his voice filled with love for me.

"Is that a compliment?" I said with a wide smile, reveling in his words.

"It's that and more." He paused. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I said, looking deep into the depths of his golden eyes.

"Get a room you two!" Emmett suddenly shouted.

I turned to look at Emmett and smirked at him.

"We can't, there's none available in the forest hotel," I snarked.

The entire family laughed as Emmett huffed in indignation. But the best one out of them was Edward's laughter. It filled me up from the inside with pure happiness. Nothing could compare.

I hoped desperately that Edward would laugh more often; that he would stop being so serious every once and a while and truly become the seventeen year old that he was physically.

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