Chapter 35- The journey continues

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Bilbo's Pov

I spent the majority of the trip across the lake thinking about the company members who are not with us right now. We have all journeyed far together, and faced many dangers, most likely with plenty more to come, but we would not reach our destination together.

First Gandalf left us to do whatever it is he needed to do, something equally dangerous no doubt. Then Ava, who has grown to be a dear friend, yet I do not know how she fares. Something inside me tells me she is alright, that she is brave and fierce, but another part of me knows that there are other ways for someone to hurt.

I hope she returns to the others soon, for then they can all watch over each other. Fili, Kili, Oin, Bofur and Adisa, each of them should be with us right now, it is more their right to be the first upon Erebor than I. As I know the sadness to be away from ones home and to not know if you will ever return.

It is nearly dark once we reach the shore. We pull the boat up and out of the water and gather our gear, the journey must continue.
We walk for a short time until Thorin tells us to set up camp so that we can rest. I gladly take off my pack and lay down on my bedroll, still worrying about Kili and his wound and the dangers that we may yet face.


My rest is short lived as Thorin orders us to wake early, the tone to his voice a grim reminder that we do not have long left before it is too late. The knowledge of this spurs me on and I hurry to pack up my bedroll and eat the food that Bombur offers me, before we are forced to move on.

We walk for hours up the rocky cliff, until we reach the top and pause, out of breath.

"So quiet" I say looking out upon the bare mountainside.

"Wasn't always like this. Once these slopes were lined with woodlands. The trees were filled with birdsong" Balin says from beside me and we watch as a lone bird flitters along and lands on a rock. There are no live trees to be seen.

"Relax, Master Baggins. We have food, we have tools, and we're making good time" Thorin says from behind me, yet he soon runs on ahead. With a few more steps I see what he ran towards, a city in ruins.

"What is this place?" I ask.

"It was once the city of Dale. Now it is a ruin. The desolation of Smaug" Balin says somberly.

"The sun will soon reach midday. We must find the mountain before it sets. This way" Thorin commands, breaking me out of my daze.

"Wait is this the overlook? Gandalf said to meet him here. On no account were we to. . . " I say, as the thought dawns on me.

"Do you see him? We have no time to wait upon the wizard. We're on our own. Come!" Thorin orders, as he stalks away the rest of the company soon follow. Dread settles in my stomach at the thought of continuing on without the help of Gandalf, there would have been a reason he wanted us to wait, I just hope it has nothing to do with what lies in wait for us within that mountain.

We walked for hours, intent on reaching the mountain before the last moments of daylight. Once at the base of the mountain I looked up in awe, never could I have imagined the greatness of Erebor, the vast mountain reached high into the sky and the entrance long destroyed by Smaug stood adorned between to statues carved into the mountainside. It was a sight to behold, if only the rest of our company were here to see it.

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