Chapter 37:Party

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~1 week later~

~Atlanta ~

"McKenzie's Pov"

Me and my parents had just landed in Atlanta it was about 9:30 at night.

Soon as we reached our house I grabbed my suitcases and ran upstairs to my room.

Oh, how nice it felt to finally sleep in my own bed again.


"Justin's Pov"

I've been Canada for a few hours now.

Chaz sent me a text asking if I wanted to go to some party with him.

I agreed to go and told my mom I was going to hang out with Chaz.

He texted me the address witch was only about 5 blocks away so I decided to just walk.

~later at the party~

I've had a couple drinks already. I was now dancing on the dance floor with all the other teenagers.

Soon, enough I had a girl grinding on me. I pushed her off me, and told her I had a girlfriend she gave up and left me alone.

Here drink this, Chaz said handing me a drink.

Trusting him I took it drank it.

By now I was nearly drunk.

Some girl again started to grind on me.

Let's go outside she said.

Okay, I said as she dragged me outside.

She then started to kiss me and i begin to kiss her back.

Dude, what are you doing, Ryan came and pulled me away from the girl.

Kissing her, I said my words a little slurred.

You have a girlfriend, Ryan said.

That's when realization hit me. I just cheated on McKenzie, and a paparazzi got it all on camera.

~Author's Note~

Haha, enjoy the cliffhanger.

Also, if you guys could comment and vote more because I've been feeling really bad about my writing lately.

The reads are amazing but that's about it.


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