•Chapter 8:Avoiding things•

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***next day***

"McKenzie's Pov" 

Now,dad and Carin, Alfredo all know I have a little crush on Bieber. Forcing,myself not to like him is going to be hard. There's no way possible I could avoid him either. Maybe,I'll just stay in my room on the bus all the time, I'll leave it sometimes to eat and stuff but not to watch his stupiud concerts or anything. My room has a t.v. I have my labtop and phone. What else do I need?

*3 hours later, at the arena*

"Justin's Pov" 

We just got to the arena and I have.another hour till soundcheck so I pretty much have time to chill. I surprisingly haven't seen McKenzie all day. So,I asked Scooter where she was. 

Hey,Scooter where's McKenzie? 

Isn't she in here in the arena somewhere, repiled back Scooter. 

No,I don't remember her getting off the bus said Kenny. 

Me and Carin will go check the bus said mom(Pattie)

*on the bus*

"McKenzie's Pov" 

I was just Skypeing Mariah when my door opened to r Carin and Pattie. Hey,I got to go I'll skype you tomarrow I said to Mariah as I closed my labtop. 

Can we come in, asked Carin 

Mite as well your standing right outside my door. They came in and shut the door behind them. 

Why are you in here?, I asked trying not to sound rude. 

We were wondering where you where sine nobody could find you in the arena,said Carin. 

Well,I've been in my room almost all day and I plan to stay in here the rest of the day, I said. 

Why is that asked Pattie 

Because,I want to I said and turned to face the wall. 

Have you eaten today? asked Carin 

Yeah,cereal this morning at like 8am,I said. 

McKenzie,it's almost 7pm. You need to eat, scolded Carin. 

I'm not hungry,I lied. 

Do,you want me to go get your dad,said Carin. 

Don't! I instantly said. 

Then your going to eat something then,stated Carin. 

I said I'm not freaking hungry so leave me alone! I said angrily because they keep trying to get me to eat.

"Scooter's Pov" 

I was on the phone with management discussing the plans for Madison Square Garden that's coming up in a few months. Till,Carin walked into the room I was currently in. 

Was she on the bus,I asked. 

Yeah,but she hasn't ate since breakfast and she's refuseing to eat Carin quickly stated. 

That means she's upset about something and she's trying to hide it from everybody I'll go talk to her.

*on the bus*

"McKenzie's Pov" 

When they left they better not of went got my dad. I'm pretty good about hiding my feelings besides,when I'm confused and upset at the same time I just can't. My dad knows that because he figured it out when I was younger. Because,I normally eat a lot besides when I'm confused and upset I don't want to eat at all. Of course they went and got my dad. Why are you in here now,I asked irritated. 

Because,I know somethings wrong and plus you need to eat, dad stated. 

Nothing's wrong and I eat when I'm hungry,I stated. 

I know for a fact your lieing. So,are you going to stop the act and tell me what's wrong? dad asked. 

No,I stated 

Is it about what we talked about yesterday,dad asked. 

It doesn't matter I stated annoyed. 

So,it is dad said. 

You guys don't understand! I yelled and started to cry. Dad didn't say anything and he just walked out. Well,it's true they don't understand what it's like to be a teenage girl confused about there feelings for a boy. I stopped crying and got up fixed my smeared makeup and went to go get something to eat.

"Justin's Pov" 

I just finished sound check and I.had about 15 minutes to kill before I had a meet and greet. I asked Scooter if he ever figured out where McKenzie was.  

She's on the bus,Scooter sighed. 

Why was she on the bus, I wondered?

Haha! Enjoy the cliffhanger!



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