•Chapter 14:Telling them. •

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~Author's Note~


It's amazing to see how many new readers I gain each day!

Thanks so much!

*during the concert*

"McKenzie's Pov"

I was standing next to my dad and Pattie while we watched Justin's performance, he had a big huge smile across his face the whole time. Do you know what's with his big. goofy smile tonight Pattie asked me. U-h, um no ask him not me I said while looking at the floor blushing. I guess Justin noticed because he was trying not to laugh. The concert was almost over by now and dad asked me if we could talk backstage real quick. I didn't bother saying no because he'd make me talk with him anyways.

So,what do you want to talk about I asked him as we reached an empty dressing room.

What's going on with you and Justin, asked Scooter.

N-nothing I said trying to keep a straghit face so he'd believe it.

McKenzie,I know your lieing. Are you and Justin a couple or not, asked Scooter.

Fine,yes I'm dating Justin. What's the big deal about it? I asked.

Nothing,I just don't want you getting hurt, said Scooter.

You've said millions of times that Justin's a good kid, I won't get hurt I'm 17 years freaking old! I can take care of myself! I said and kind of yelled.

It's not that I don't want you two together, because you guys are a cute couple. It's just that I don't want my little girl to grow up, said Scooter.

I'll always be your little girl, I said getting up and hugging my dad.

"Justin's Pov"

I walked backstage into a empty dressing room to fine McKenzie and Scooter shareing a hug. I quickly took a picture of it.

Am I interrupting anything I asked walking in.

No,you aren't asked Scooter who was getting up to leave.

But,,before he did that he came up to me and whispered into my ear "Don't break my little girl's heart'. I told him not to worry that I wouldn't.

So,what are you doing back here, McKenzie asked me.

I came in to see where you where, I said.

I was back here because my dad wanted to talk to me, said McKenzie.

Oh so I'm guessing you told your dad, I asked even though I knew the answer.

Yeah,I hope your not mad she said getting ready to walk out the door.

I'm not mad at you. I said before I crashed my lips in hers.

A/N:I know it's short! But,I wanted to spilt this chapter in two parts. Where Scooter found out in one part, and the crew and Pattie in the second part. Okay?





-Stay beautiful :)


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