Chapter 35:Getting into Trouble

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~1 month later~

"Justin's Pov"

I'm super pumped that I only have five more shows left of my European leg of the tour. I really do enjoy touring but, after 2 and a half months of it can get exhausting.

When, tour is over I'm going to Canada for a week, and then flying out to Atlanta to spend Christmas with McKenzie.

"McKenzie's Pov"

I was just laying on the couch watching Justin and Alfredo play Xbox together.

I decided to go Skype my best friend Mariah. I haven't talked to her in so long because she moved to California.

We skyped for about a hour just catching up and making plans to hang out when I go to California for a week after Christmas.

We ended the Skype because she had to go study, because it was getting late over there. So, I just laid on my bed on Twitter.

~20 mins later~

"Justin's Pov"

After playing Xbox with Fredo. I went to go see what McKenzie was up to.

Hey, babe she said as she sat her laptop down.

What do you want to do today, I asked her.

I don't know, we really can't do anything since its pouring down rain outside, she said.

True. I said before I leaned over to kiss her. Soon enough one kiss turned into a heated make out session.

About,10 minutes later I heard someone shout my name.

I quickly broke the kiss to see who it was.

What the hell are you two doing in here, Scooter said getting furious.

Kissing, my girlfriend.

Looks, more like your about to have sex with her with you on top of her, he said with anger in his tone.

Just get ready you two we are going to eat, he said before walking out.

"McKenzie's Pov"

Justin got up and left my room so I could get ready. I changed out of my pajamas.   I then slipped on white short shorts, and a mint green cropped top and put on my mint green vans and just left my hair natural.

We all walked off the buses and into McDonalds to eat.

I just got the typical chicken nuggets and fries to eat.

"Justin's Pov"

I sat down next to McKenzie and Alfredo was across from me.

I wasn't in the mood to eat. So, I ate a couple fries and that was about it.

What's wrong with you two? Your usually always talking or something,Alfredo asked me and McKenzie.

  I said nothing and McKenzie just shrugged her shoulders.

  We were both probably thinking the same thing that we would be getting a lecture from Scooter later on.

He will probably ground her and take her phone and then he'll tell my mom and she will do the same thing.

Justin, and McKenzie I want to talk to you later on, Scooter said.


"McKenzie's Pov"

I went into my room and slipped off my vans and sat down and started watching TV.

About, 20 minutes later my mom walked in said my dad wanted to talk to me.

What did you want I said as I took a seat next to my dad on the couch.

About, what I walked into earlier, dad said.

What about it? We where just making out, I said.

It looked like you two where about to take it further than that. Considering your shirt was half way up, dad said.

It's my life I can do what I want. If I want to sleep with Justin, I will. My shirt slipped up because it's a crop top, I said.

No, you will not McKenzie Nichole Braun. That's it give me your phone and your grounded for two weeks and I want you to end your relationship with Justin, dad said.

Here have my phone I said as I through it to the ground and watched it shatter. I'm not ending my relationship with Justin. He loves me and cares about like you never did, I said as I rain to my room with tears down my face.

"Justin's Pov"

I walked on to the bus still in shock of what I just heard. I can't believe McKenzie and Scooter got into that big of a argument to where she broke her phone.

I was right Scooter did tell my mom. She was kind mad about it. She just lectured me and told me we are to young to be doing anything like that.

She just took my phone and grounded me for two weeks.

~Author's note~

Chapter question; Leave me questions in the comments and I'll answer them all.

I did choose a winner of the cover contest the winner is _michellefaith. But, her cover wouldn't download. She will be helping me plan the first few chapters of the sequel.

Also, there's a edit of Jenzie on the side that a fan made, if it uploaded.

Hope everyone has a Happy and Safe New year!

#StayStrong beauties ♡

Btw,I made the new cover




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