Special Interview

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Flyingprincess12 speaks about her..!! A small interview read and enjoy..!!

Inline comments please..!! And please tag your fav authors whose interview you guys are willing to read.


1. Can you tell me little bit about yourself ?

Well I am Drashti, 17 years old, studying B.sc IT. I was a commerce student though but my mom dint liked me pursuing my future in commerce so now after completing 12th in commerce I'm studying B.sc IT.

2. How long have you been a Wattpad Member?

It's been a year. I joined Wattpad in last November.

3. How long have you been making covers ?

Well, I know the date when I started making covers 16th March'2015.

4. Why do you make covers ?

I make covers because I am a very imaginative person so to make covers we need to imagine according to the plot of the story.

5. What's your Favorite kind of Books ?

Only romantic Books..... I love to read those because books / movies have fairytale love stories which in real life is not possible ... toh man bhar leti hun isse.😅

6. Who is your favorite poet / writer? If you have any?

I don't read much books but have read Chetan Bagat's books.

7. What are something you like to do when you're not Free?

I would like to hear songs.

8.How/why did you start making covers ?

I'll like helping people so seeing a good cover people are fascinated to read the story. This is the only reason I started making covers.

9. What's the most irritating thing as a cover maker ?

The most irritating thing is people ask for cover and then they don't use it. They will ask to make 100 changes but will not use even for an hour.

10. What's the best thing as a cover maker ?

The appreciation.

11.Happiest moment as a cover maker ?

When I saw that my Cover Shop is nominated for FICTION AWARDS 2016.

12. Your Favorite wattpad Writer?

Everyone is my favourite because to write it takes lot of efforts.

13. Any Favourite cover maker in Wattpad ?


14. What is your Favourite Movie And why?

There are many Movies which I like the most but romantic Movies are my favourite.

15. Single Or in a relationship?

Single but I'm ready to get in relationship.
Koi acha ladka ho to bata dena 😅😅

16. Favorite colour ?


17. Favorite food?

Mix Vegetable ( Undhiyu and Puri ) 😜
As I'm am a Gujarati.

18. Favorite hangout place? If any?

Sitting on my swing in balcony hearing romantic songs is bliss for me.

22. Favorite actor / actress ?

Actor/Actress ..... umm everyone does hard work so .... everyone is my favourite.

23. Describe your personality in 5 words.

I'm very shy, kind to those who the same to me , polite as much as u are ... my friends tell this about me specially my sister.

24. What is love for you ?

Love means understanding each other and accepting them the way they are, rather than changing them according to you.

25. Anything you would like to tell your fans?

I know very boring interview but kya karoon mein esi hi hoon.

And fans.. naah!! Everyone is my friend over here as I said many times to many people.
Keep smiling Keep loving.


Flyingprincess12 thanks for giving your valuable time..!! 💕💕💕

So guys How was the interview? Also if anyone wants the writer to answer their questions please put it in the comment box.

Will be soon back with another interview..!! Till then keep smiling and be happy.

With love
Ashu 💕

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