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Fairy-Butterfly speaks about her..!! A small interview read and enjoy..!!

Inline comments please..!! And please tag your fav authors whose interview you guys are willing to read.


1. Can you tell me little bit about yourself ?

Umm. ..I am Ekta. ..studying in class 10 ...of 16 .. love to make friends ....i am friendly with those who are friendly with me ..or else i prefer to stay away ...lil reserved... love reading ...

2. How long have you been a Wattpad Member?

10 months .. last December I joined her .. For my love of reading ..

3. What inspired you to Write?

Manan and other writers whose stores I use to read ...and one day suddenly I thought why not right my own story on Manan. .. I like writing form long time ..

4. What made you to Write on MaNan FanFiction / Book?

Their love ...my love for them...I just love them too much to the core ...

5. What's your Favorite kind of Books / poetry?

Not any particular ....

6. Who is your favorite poet / writer? If you have any?

No one ..

7. What are something you like to do when you're not writing?

Listening songs and reading stories on Manan..my most of the time get spend in it only ...solving problems on Maths. ..

8. Do you see writing as a career Or a hobby?

I think hobby :P

9. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Romance ...I don't know what to wrote when it comes to romance

10. where do you get your ideas?

They just come from no where. ..sometimes when I feel bore in class ..I take a paper and pen ...and the ideas pop out. .

11. Your Favorite wattpad Writer?

There are a lot ... I can't choose ..and about wattpad writer I am mostly following the writers whose stories I used to read at Forum ...

12. Have you ever faced bashing for any of your story? If yes, then please tell how did you manage to deal with it?

Nah. ..never ..I wish ...rab jee kabhi aisa kare bhi na. .

13. What is your Favourite Movie And why?

There are many ..i can't choose ..as I might forget any of them ...

14. Single Or in a relationship?

Too much singleee

15. Favorite colour ?


16. Favorite food?

I don't like to eat only ..but at a time I like paneer. ..and and and I can't say without ice cream. ... and guess what it's the most prohibited thing for me ..

17. Favorite hangout place? If any?

I don't go out ..

18. Favorite actor / actress ?

I don't like any actors or actresses particularly ..I simply love their works ...

19. Describe your personality in 5 words.

You or my friends should do that :P

20. What is love for you?

Don't know ...I and not mature enough to describe love ..but ya for me. ..love is family. ..friends ..... sisters and brothers in friends is love ...so ya for me love is what I get from them all the time ..In spite of my nature they love me a lot ..so ya for me love is that ...

And ya love is manan. .. love is forever ..till the stars shine and fireflies glow ..

21. Anything you would like to tell your fans?

I don't have fans nor do much people knows me ..inside just have readers and some amazing friends ..whom I love from all my heart ...
I just wanna say one thing ...plz keep supporting me ..and I love you all ..who loves me ..:-))

Thank you Di for this :)
love you lots and lots :*

Fairy-Butterfly thanks for giving your valuable time..!! 💕💕💕

So guys How was the interview? Also if anyone wants the writer to answer their questions please put it in the comment box.

Will be soon back with another interview..!! Till then keep smiling and be happy.

With love
Ashu 💕

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