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manan_lovee speaks about her..!! A small interview read and enjoy..!!

Inline comments please..!! And please tag your fav authors whose interview you guys are willing to read.


1)can u tell me little bit about yourself?

So m Priyanka Sanyal....m 20....and m doing a course of fashion designing ...yah that's it...I don't like talking about myself much so....

2)How long have u been a wattpad member?

As much as I remember I joined wattpad somewhere near January....

3)what inspired u to write?

Actually at the start I didn't had the confidence to write...so I started reading various stories....so after that I realised that if they can write why can't I....

4)what made you write on manan fanfiction/book?

When I started watching ky2 I was really addicted to it....I normally compared everything with the serial....so..and I also used to read only manan books

5)what's your favourite kind of book/poetry??

Personally I don't like poetries..it's vit complicated....but in books I love romantic books, horror and ....yah that's it..

6)who is your favorite writer? If u have any?

I love reading Enid Blyton's books....I know his books are a little kiddish...but they are Gud so...

7) what are something u like to do when u r not writing?

I love roaming around..with frnds chilling...and besides that I also browse my SNS and try out dancing and all...

8)Do u see writer as a career or a hobby?

According to me there's nothing wrong if writing becomes your career ... infact if your hobby becomes your career there's nothing better than it.....

9)what was the hardest part of writing your book?

At the start...it was very difficult for me to write the story in proper format....than slowly I got habituated....now the hardest is to write the mature parts...it's really difficult

10)where do u get your ideas?

I get me ideas from my brain😂...no seriously I never copy anybody's work but I take I ideas from some special books...

11) Favourite wattpad writer?

According to me each and every writer is my favourite.... coz everyone gives there best to entertain...so they shouldn't be compared with anyone...they all are simply awesome

12)Have you ever faced bashing for any of your story? If yes,then pls tell how did you manage to deal with it?

No ... fortunately I haven't faced any bashing till now...my readers are very supportive

13)what is your favourite movie and why?

There are a lot of movies.....which are my favourite ....all are the romantic and tragedy ones..

14) Single or in a relationship?

SINGLE FOREVER....single life happy life...

15) Favourite colour?

Red and white

16) Favourite food ?

Chinesee....and Italian too..

17) Favourite hangout place?? If any??

I like roaming anywhere ...jst my frnds should be there with me..place doesn't matter....

18) Favorite actor/actress

Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt

19) Describe your personality in five words..?

Fun Loving

20) what is love for u ?

For me love is Manan..... there trust,bond caring attitude etc are all the things which are most important in love

21) Anything u would like to tell your fans?

They are not my fans they all are my frnds....and I jst wanna say that....thanks for supporting throughout...it really means a lot when someone appreciates you...so Thank u so much and keep supporting...

manan_lovee thanks for giving your valuable time..!! 💕💕💕

So guys How was the interview? Also if anyone wants the writer to answer their questions please put it in the comment box.

Will be soon back with another interview..!! Till then keep smiling and be happy.

With love
Ashu 💕

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