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Zahramalik11 speaks about her..!! A small interview read and enjoy..!!

Inline comments please..!! And please tag your fav authors whose interview you guys are willing to read.


1. Can you tell me little bit about yourself ?

Hey :)
I'm Zahra
From Islamabad Pakistan.
Doing graduation 4th year !!!
I'm 21 you can wish me on 13th July ,I'm very talkative my friends sometimes call me F16 ..... bht teez bolti hn na 😜 love to make friends but few of them are close to my heart.my biggest problem is I can't hide my feelings !! straightforward type's 😊

2. How long have you been a Watts pad Member?

I don't remember exact date its almost one year on watts pad but I start writing five months back .

3. What inspired you to Write?

Actually I never thought that one day I will write stories but after reading many books on watts pad especially manan stories I start writing .

4. What made you to Write on MaNan FanFiction / Book?

long story :
few years back I hate reading novels ,I don't know why people read novels the only books I read related to my degree !!!
one day my college friend was reading novel " peer e kamil "
she Said Zahra you should read this its amazing !! I said oky I will read it
guess what I read it in one hour...😂
next day I told my friend that I read whole novel it good !! she get 100 volt shock that how I read it in one day .
I told her that it's very simple to read novel firstly I read few pages from start than from middle and than from end . she laughed on me and i always remember her words
" Zahra please for god sake never read any novel again "
but watts pad change me I start as a reader and now I'm writer !!!!

The thing which inspired me is
chemistry between manan !!

5. What's your Favorite kind of Books / poetry?

I love to read romance ,I'm romantic sort of person !! I like to read billionaires stories & vampire's werewolves.

6. Who is your favorite poet / writer? If you have any?

Their are many Pakistani writer's who are just amazing Nimra Ahmed is one of them .on watts pad their are many writer's who wrote brilliantly like MawaraEjaz6I really like her work .
Ilama Iqbal my favorite poet

7. What are something you like to do when you're not writing?

I'm student so you know very well I have to attend classes then projects exams never ends !!! when I'm free I love to spend time with family.
I love baking !!! watching movies one more thing I Like painting so when I'm free I love to paint 💝.

8. Do you see writing as a career Or a hobby?

writing is just my hobby !!

9. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

well most important thing in writing is to win the hearts of reader's for that you have to understand what they like and that's difficult to meet everyone expectations i think writing emotional part is very difficult for me and love making scenes 😜

10. where do you get your ideas?

idea's popped up in my smart brain!!

11. Your Favorite wattpad Writer?

There are many writers who inspired me !!All writer's are doing excellent job!!!!

12. Have you ever faced bashing for any of your story? If yes, then please tell how did you manage to deal with it?

No !!! Till now I haven't faced any bashing, I'm thank full to Allah that all my reader's are very supportive they always appreciate what I write that's why I love u all 😍😍😍

13. What is your Favourite Movie And why?

Movies...hmm quite tough question
I love to watch English movies more than Bollywood like fast & furious ,step up ,underworld ,behind the army line's.
I can't mention single movie but
Last Bollywood movie I watched is Janoniyat I really like it .

14. Single Or in a relationship?

haha single & not ready to mingle soon ....

15. Favorite colour ?

Purple & sea green

16. Favorite food?

I'm a big foodie 😂 I like fast food ,Chinese all Pakistani dishes. I don't like sweats at all.

17. Favorite hangout place?

Any place with my family and friends , Sea & beach is my weakness water always attract me I can spend my whole day sitting on beach.

18. Favorite actor / actress ?

Tom Cruise ,Paul walker .
Ranveer Singh ,salman khan .
Deepika 😍 & Mahira Khan.
& last but not least Parth Samthan

19. Describe your personality in five words?

I'm loyal
straight forward
short tampered
talkative 😊

20. What is love for you ?

Love : I can write a book on it

I believe in true love !! yes it's difficult to find true love but true love exist . For me Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world !!!

love is Trust
love is care
love is respect
love is life
love is when other person happiness
is more important than your own .
love is when you look in someone eyes and see everything you need.

21. Anything you would like to tell your fans?

Asalam u Aliqum my lovely friends & reader's.
fan's ??? I'm not any big celebrity or writer's so they are not my fan's actually I'm their fan because of them I'm a writer today 😊 they have special place in my heart I wanna tell you all that I love you I'm thankful to all of you for your support and for this nomination!!!

My dear silent readers please comment kar deya Karo yar!!!!! its humble request if you like to read than I takes less than minute to comment .

Thank you WriterAshwini


Zahramalik11 thanks for giving your valuable time..!! 💕💕💕

So guys How was the interview? Also if anyone wants the writer to answer their questions please put it in the comment box.

Will be soon back with another interview..!! Till then keep smiling and be happy.

With love
Ashu 💕

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