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lost_soul31 speaks about her..!! A small interview read and enjoy..!!

Inline comments please..!! And please tag your fav authors whose interview you guys are willing to read.


1. Can you tell me little bit about yourself ?

Hey guys its Eesha here. I am a singer and an arts student. Music,writing and books give me peace. I hate liars and rude people. And what else ?? I dont know what to say,I always get confused but you can always PM me to know me more.

2. How long have you been a Wattpad Member?

Umm...maybe more a year. Too bad at dates,sorry !!

3. What inspired you to Write?

Writing has always facinated me. I used to write some write-ups and poems and then I got to know about the MaNan fanfic's on wattpad. So but obvious,I installed the app and then read way too many stories which motivated me more. I was like,if they can write and so many pathetic stories are so popular then why not just give it a try. And then all my lovely readers gave me another identity,of a writer. When I started my story the idea or the plot of the story was very randomly spontenous and I didn't even think it will get a few reads. But here I am today,writing my third story. A huge thanks to all my readers and friends.

4. What made you to Write on MaNan FanFiction / Book?

Since the time the show aired,I wanted to create my own MaNan,also,I always wanted to write a book. It was very spontenous but I am glad I did that. Before writing my MaNan stories,I did write two Varun Dhawan fanfics which didn't get much of a recognition and by the time I had finished them I was pretty good at writing so gave it a shot.

5. What's your Favorite kind of Books / poetry?

I am a hopeless romantic so romantic and also thriller.

6. Who is your favorite poet / writer? If you have any?

I don't have any particular favourite writer rather I like books by their content.

7. What are something you like to do when you're not writing?

Music is my first love so I am always singing,even while writing my earphones are plugged in hearing Indian Classical.

8. Do you see writing as a career Or a hobby?

I have thought about it but not sure yet.

9. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

It was improving myself,the way I present the track or the scene,getting the sentence structure correct,no grammatical mistakes should happen. Portraying the each character's emotions as good as I can. Once I happened to read my own book and then I promised myself to never do it again. I still wonder why do people read my stories,I was pathetic and I still am not the best.

10. where do you get your ideas?

Its all in my head really. If I see a dream,read something,see something,I try penning it down. Its like a scene clicks in my mind and then the track is formed,my stories are never planned,when I start to write that is when the ideas pop up. But then,there are days when I am without any ideas cause' my mind is chocked. So yeah...its all in my head. Also I imagine a lot...literally a lot which helps me somewhere or the other.

11. Your Favorite wattpad Writer?

Currently it is thelovesickteenager also there is one more book I love "Betraying Myself" I don't remember the writer's name.
12. Have you ever faced bashing for any of your story? If yes, then please tell how did you manage to deal with it?

I did get some hurtful messages but then I choose to ignore it cause' none of them mattered to me,the people who liked and appreciated my work were what I needed which I had in plenty. Bashers do that just for attention's sake and I am not planning to give them any,also I always mute them.

13. What is your Favourite Movie And why?

I love Bollywood movies,but Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani is my all time favourite. Why ?? Because I see myself in place of Naina Talwar. Yes,I am a very reserved person. And a bore too.

14. Single Or in a relationship?

Umm...its complicated.

15. Favorite colour ?

Black,white and red.

16. Favorite food?

Chinese and sizzling chocolate brownie.

17. Favorite hangout place? If any?

Just anywhere with my favourite people.

18. Favorite actor / actress ?

Actors-SRK,Varun Dhawan.
Actress- Alia Bhatt,Deepika Padukone.

19. Describe your personality in 5 words.


20. What is love for you ?

Love is a lot of things for me. I cannot describe love in just one word. Its loyalty,truthfulness,trust,care,responsiblity,compatiblity,understanding,supporting each other. I can just say its a beautiful feeling at the same time sickening too. Either you fly above the world or are burried deep inside it and your screams never reach the outer world.

21. Anything you would like to tell your fans?

First of all do I have any ?? Sorry bad joke. I have a pathetic sense of humour. And to all my readers. I can never thank you all enough but then Thank You So Freaking Much. I love you all,keep loving me and my work and also keep supporting me. Love you guys. 😘😘


lost_soul31 thanks for giving your valuable time..!! 💕💕💕

So guys How was the interview? Also if anyone wants the writer to answer their questions please put it in the comment box.

Will be soon back with another interview..!! Till then keep smiling and be happy.

With love
Ashu 💕

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