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So, My little sisters and friends want my interview so here it is..!!

And its 50 th interview of this book and 50 th is mine.


1. Can you tell me little bit about yourself ?

Hello sweethearts... Myself Ashwini Krishnan..!! 26 years old 😜 , completed post graduation in MBA..!! Malayali girl ( kerala ) but bron and brought up in Hyderabad.

2. How long have you been a Wattpad Member?

1 year 33 days, but i have started writing on July 16 2016 and its has been 5 months.

3. What inspired you to Write?

MaNan..!! MaNan ..!! MaNan ..!!

4. What made you to Write on MaNan FanFiction / Book?

Hmmm.... its a big story but i want to share with you guys, 5 months back i was a silent readers..!! one day i came across a book Love heals written by Dhathri2012 i did comment on her book.. then next day i got msg from her she asked me do i know Telugu... then our friendship started.. Wattpad to Facebook then WhatsApp..!! i just told her That i have some plots in my mind and i shared with her she liked it and asked me to start writing but i was scared to write..!! she was there for me..!! she use to msg me daily asked me to write even she called me..!! finally i gathered some courage and started... now i am here..!! i love you Dhathri for this and i never ever forget what you made me today.

5. What's your Favorite kind of Books / poetry?


6. Who is your favorite poet / writer? If you have any?


7. What are something you like to do when you're not writing?

Reading on wattpad there are millions of books in wattpad so i always stick to my Mobile.

8. Do you see writing as a career Or a hobby?

No its just a hobby..!!

9. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

To Write Updates..!! because i am not that good at English..!! i did my schooling, inter and degree in govt college and you guys can guess how those collages are aab jo English bol rahi hoon i learned when i am doing my masters.!! so I do A Lot of mistakes in my update..!! update karne se phele i check at least for 10 times..!! recently some one told me to that my story are super good but i need to concentrate on my vocabulary. i know and i am trying hard to give my best.

"If i waited for perfection i would have never write a word."

10. where do you get your ideas?

hahaha.... mujh nahi pata 😜!! but i get some ideas from movie to.

11. Your Favorite wattpad Writer?

Every writer is good..!! every writer as a different way to show there talent i almost read every book in wattpad on manan..!!

12. Have you ever faced bashing for any of your story? If yes, then please tell how did you manage to deal with it?

About story tho kabhi nahi huva but yeah... one girl directly comment kardi ki its a stupid story but i don't think so because my readers love that book of they say that its a cute story and one girl said that i am playing with readers feelings because i was just waiting for good response to post next part..!! dear i don't want to revel your name if you are reading this i just want tell you that i was joking that day and i never force readers for votes or comments but want to tell you something, we write to entertain you in return we are not expecting anything, i write books because it give me peace. so please don't ever do such comments to anyone its hurts very badly..!! and about how i deal with basher i just ignore them..!! but 2 sister of wattpad never ever leave anyone if they comment badly

13. What is your Favourite Movie And why?

Telugu Movie GULABI 😍.

14. Single Or in a relationship?

Ahem.... Ahem... Single nahi hoon.... iam engaged and Marriage ka date bhi fix huva hai..!! its on Jan 22 2017 😊😊😊

15. Favorite colour ?

Red White And Black

16. Favorite food?

Hyderabadi dum briyani, and yeah i love chicken.

17. Favorite hangout place? If any?

My bedroom, i like being alone so my bedroom is best place for me.

18. Favorite actor / actress ?

prabhas, parth samthaan, ( Hotiess 😜 ) anushka shetty.

19. Describe your personality in 5 words.

Fatty, cute, intelligent , funny and friendly.

20. What is love for you ?

LOVE... ☺ Love is caring for someone else deeply and unconditionally. Love is being motivated to be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be because you are so passionate about the other person.

21. Anything you would like to tell your fans?

Fans nahi hai .... but i want to say something to my readers..!! Guys i may not be able to reply your Msgs or comment because coming days are going to be hard for me..!! don't worry i will update my books but may be i wont be able to keep touch with you guys.

Dhathri2012thank you for being there for me..!! Vridhi03196 thanks for helping me my books i love you both equally.

and CraziestFanOfMaNan mananstarflies Fairy-Butterfly i love you guys so much..!!

Thanks everyone for supporting me and keep supporting like always you do..!!

In coming months i may not be reply everyone..!! but don't forget i love you all..☺


Thanks for Reading..!!

With lots of love

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