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myra_1 speaks about her..!! A small interview read and enjoy..!!

Inline comments please..!! And please tag your fav authors whose interview you guys are willing to read.

1. Can you tell me little bit about yourself ?

Uhm, I am mysteriously weird and curious soul. Lol!😂
My name is Manasvi. Pen name-Myra/UnknownWriterM. I am 18, one of many Delhiites. My brain is an aspiring doc but my heart is a pure writer. I love to be alone in my room most of the time with my books and electronic gadgets.

2. How long have you been a Wattpad Member?

1 year.

3. What inspired you to Write?

Experiences of life!
I think one can find inspiration by stories around us or people around us but only if you would see with an open mind! I know, I am not big enough to say anything about experiences of life but who says age matters?!😁
My grandmom says- I give lecture on everything just like an oldie every now and then! And she thinks if she is my grandmother or am I her's?! Lol! It's funny but it's true!😂😂

4. What made you to write on MaNan FanFiction / Book?

Uhm, I wanted to write from always but I never started and when I finally tried then I just end up clicking back space every time without even reading what have I actually written! But from always there was a theme in my mind which I wanted to pen down. I didn't know the ending that time but I knew the start and character sketches, then there came flood of ideas in my brain for a long period of time and I wasn't able to hold it anymore then finally I thought why not just pen down and empty my brain and get some peace. And as I am a crazy Mananian coz it's only MaNan who made me believe in true love then I thought why not I should write a Manan ff based on that theme and give it a try. And that's how I started my MaNan FF: Two bodies, one soul! Bascially, it was for fun only that time but I didn't know that writing which I just started for fun, would become the most irrestiable passion one day!

5. What's your Favorite kind of Books / poetry?

Well, when it's comes to favorites then I am very choosy.
Uhm, I like romance, paranormal and fantasy and RomCom genres.

6. Who is your favorite poet / writer? If you have any?

Nicolas Sparks & Paulo Coelho! They both are my inspiration! They are those persons whose words speak volume. And yeah there is a new writer in indian writing industry now a days, Savi Sharma, she is also my favorite. Her words directly touch hearts.

7. What are something you like to do when you're not writing?

Well, besides writing I love reading, editing, listening music. I love going historical places and gathering information about it. And when I am free, I also use to search on Google about weird stuff which irritate my brain, like one day, I search on Fireflies coz I wanted to know that belief which is shown in kyy is true or not! (I know this sounds crazy, but that I am! CRAZY & MAD! 😂😉) And just like that I had researched on Magic schools, witches, wizards, vampires, warewolf, Philosophies of soulmates & True Love, haunted places and much more. And then I conclude and believe only on my research. I know it sounds so so sooooo crazy. But you can say, I am a curious soul who wants to know everything.
Oh, I think now people will surely think, I am mentally retarded or something! LOL!😂😂 But that's the real me !!! And I have no problem to accept myself the way I am!

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