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tatheer_rizvi speaks about her..!! A small interview read and enjoy..!!

Inline comments please..!! And please tag your fav authors whose interview you guys are willing to read.


1. Can you tell me little bit about yourself ?

I am Tatheer Rizvi. I m 18. I m from Kolkata. I m in 1st year doing b.sc zoo and also preparing for medical. I love to make friends. I love writing.

2. How long have you been a Wattpad Member?

May be 1 year 4 months.

3. What inspired you to Write?

Actually from the very beginning I wanted to write but after watching Ky2 and reading manan ff I got a reason to write.

4. What made you to Write on MaNan FanFiction / Book?

After watching ky2 i was very much addicted with ky2 and i had download all the episodes and used to watch it.. i was really crazy for ky2 then one of my friend suggested wattpad and then i started reading books and got a brilliant idea to write my own book..

5. What's your Favorite kind of Books / poetry?

Ummm.... i dont read poetry but yes i love reading love stories or thriller with lots of suspense some time i also read emotional story and i also cry.. i very emotional.. 🙈🙈

6. Who is your favorite poet / writer? If you have any?


7. What are something you like to do when you're not writing?

I just read books from wattpad or study agar study nhi kee then my parents will snatch my mobile 😛😛 beside these i hangout with my frndz and love eating different kind of food coz i m really foodie...

8. Do you see writing as a career Or a hobby?

Writing is a hobby..

9. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Umm.. yes the make out scene it was really hard coz i have to see if its not vulgar and it should be romantic.. many writers are bashed coz people find that its vulgar so i don't want to be in this situation..

10. where do you get your ideas?

Actually I don't know.. on one time i get many ideas but during writing i forget everything.. 😂😂

11. Your Favorite wattpad Writer?

Okkkayyy ummm... my fav writers are many... many in my library there are many books i just love them so i can't tell one name..

12. Have you ever faced bashing for any of your story? If yes, then please tell how did you manage to deal with it?

Yes i had faced many bashing.. and it really hurts people want the story according to them they should know that we writers had planned something and will execute like dat.. and we all are also manan fans and we cant see them seperated... Its about manan so they will be together by hook or crook.. I just ignore whenever i get bashed..

13. What is your Favourite Movie And why?

I love watching movies so i can't tell one name but yes from hollywood i love twilight series.. i still have all the part and i just love watching Twilight..

14. Single Or in a relationship?

Very much Single.

15. Favorite colour ?

Black White Purple

16. Favorite food?

I love food.. i love eating food and yes except vegetables like kerela and all 😜😜..

17. Favorite hangout place? If any?

Fav hangout place... there are many...

18. Favorite actor / actress ?

Parth Samthaan and Deepika Padukone

19. Describe your personality in 5 words

I m a chatter box..

20. What is love for you ?

LOVe for me is a pure word as we all love our parents and on right time we will love our life partner.

21. Anything you would like to tell your fans?

I just love alll my fans... they really motivates us to write and i just love them... I had made many of my fans my friend and i m sooo honoured to have brilliant fans like them... i just love them..

And Thankyou so much #Ashwini for taking this interview it really means alot it is my first interview.. i hope i also see ur IV thanks alot... 😀😀😀


tatheer_rizvi thanks for giving your valuable time..!! 💕💕💕

So guys How was the interview? Also if anyone wants the writer to answer their questions please put it in the comment box.

Will be soon back with another interview..!! Till then keep smiling and be happy.

With love
Ashu 💕

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