A fresh start. Chapter 35

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Disclaimer: I don't own the image above and have only done basic editing. The credits go to Bison倉鼠 (Bison Hamster, I think?) on Pixiv.

I look up at my ceiling, feeling drowsy from the lack of sleep I had been experiencing for longer than even a vampire could handle. I think back to when Yui stared at me the moment she sat up from the couch, her gaze lingering on me before she smiled back. It had been weeks since that incident but it felt so fresh in my mind. However, the only thing that could ruin our time happened. The only news our lovely father had shocked me beyond imagination.

"What the hell is it now?" I grumble in annoyance since my sleep was interrupted by him again.

"A great day to you, too, dear! I'm doing amazing! How are you?"

"I have better things to do: like sleep." I go to hang up when he exclaims loud enough for me to hear.

"There's a reason I didn't attend the dinner when I was supposed to!" I bring the phone back to my ear, curious about what he has to say. "Well, with everything that happened at the house, I thought it would be best to give you time to rest."

"How sweet of you. Please, keep it that way." I mock and hear him sigh in disappointment.

"You know I can't keep away from my lovely children for too long!" I roll my eyes so hard I feel them almost roll back into my head.

"Why did you call?" I get back on the topic before he has the chance to deviate again.

"I called to give you great news! There is a new bride that will be arriving soon! And by soon, I mean tomorrow!"


"Aw, don't get so excited just yet! There is something else you need to know: the common tradition of the bride coming along has been bent slightly." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as he continues. "The bride will be bringing along her brother with her. She said she didn't feel safe enough without him, and you are all about making the brides feel better. I'm sure that's fine with you!"

"You do know I slapped your newest 'bride' just a few days after her arrival? Not to mention, I almost killed her thrice with no hesitation or regret."

"That's what vampires do, my dear. It's just the circle of life."

"Do you have a mute button, honestly?"

"No, just like you don't. Anyway, we will be visiting once the bride and her brother have settled."

"Wait, did you just say, 'we'?" I mutter and finally sit up, feeling all the sleepiness disappearing.

"That's odd. I remember telling you that I will be bringing a guest with me." The gears slowly turn in my head as I try to remember our conversation days ago. Then, I finally realize that he mentioned it somewhere between his babbling. "What I didn't tell you, though, was that he will most likely take up residency with all of you sometime after dinner."

"Excuse me? Did you just say we are going to live with a complete stranger? I say nu-uh to that, bruh." I wag my finger from side to side as if he could see me.

"Well, technically, he's not a stranger-"

"But practically is, am I getting that right? I still say nu-uh to that and my answer isn't going to change."

"We will talk about this sometime in the future, okay? I need to go-" I hang up and throw the phone on my bed before staring out the window.

I'll need to tell the brothers about this.

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