Chapter 1

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Erin's POV

"Babe will you get out of my road, you're blocking my view" Harry Styles spat, "Sorry about that" I mumbled, quickly shifting from my spot, I looked up at his captivating green eyes, but quickly looked away again, he was after all Harry Styles, the hottest guy in our year, and looks can be deceiving cause he was also one of the smartest, despite his bad boy reputation.

I'm Erin Brown, 16 years old, pupil at this school here in Holmes Chapel, not to brag but I ace my tests easily, but no I'm not a nerd, in fact I'm the total opposite, I'm actually one of the most popular girl at this school, but I'm not your typical 'blonde bimbo slutty popular rich girl' sure I'm popular and my dad has money but that's it, and that's the reputation I like.

"There you are Erin, where were you?" my best friend Rachel asked, "Well I was sitting in history before his highness Harry fucking Styles told me to move cause I was 'blocking his view' what a dick" I said, "Just leave him be Erin, he's no good any way" she said smiling as we ate our lunch, which for me was only sandwiches and an apple, I wasn't one to eat much at lunch, it put me off, but any other time I ate like a pig.

Finally the day was over and I prayed to God it wasn't raining as I had to walk home from school, but just my luck: it was pouring down, I sighed as I began walking. Minutes later a car stopped and the window rolled down, it was Harry, "What?" I asked, "Do you want a ride home? Wouldn't want you walking home in this" he said, I gladly accepted the ride and hopped in the warm car.

Once I told him what house I lived at he dropped me off and left, well that was strange, in all my years of 'knowing' him he has never offered to drive me home, hes actually hardly spoke to me. I tried not to think about it too much, after all, I didn't exactly like him, and vice versa, it wasn't anything either of us had done, it was just simply, I don't know what to cll it, it wasn't hatred, no I certainly never hated him, I never hated anyone but I'm sure I had a few people who hated me but I didn't care too much.

"Erin get up for school" my 14 year old brother moaned hitting me with pillows and whatever else he could get a hold of, guess it must be his unlucky day, no one likes waking me up, I'm the hardest person ever to wake up, today however must be an exception as I woke up easily, "wow is there something wrong with you? Should I be worried?" Luke said laughing, I chuckled as he left me to get dressed for school.

Wearing my usual uniform I was made wear I applied natural looking male up, straightened my hair, brushed my teeth and everything else like that, I left the house and walked the short distance to school, man I really got to pass my driving test soon, this walking is torture. I got to school with plenty of time to spare and went to my usual crowd of people, "Erin did you hear?" one of them asked, "hear what?" I asked, "about Harry, apparently he had sex with someone who was only 15" she said, "what? how do you even find this stuff out?" I asked chuckling as the bell went and I headed to class.

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