Chapter 35

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The rest of that week was pretty much attempts and failures at trying to get Cameron alone. Thankfully, Billy had gotten over his little tantrum by the next day, which still leaves me a bit mystified. I figured since nothing seemed to be working, despite my persistence, it was time to bring out the secret weapon.

Steve Morner.

"Not this again," Billy shook his head as he sped down the highway.

I bit on my lip as I concentrated on angling the wig perfectly, "trust me, this will work!"

"Why do I have a feeling this is going to end badly?" Billy asked as he took an exit.

Pfft, Billy had no idea what he was talking about, this plan would be a success!

All I'd have to do... well, Steve would have to do, is put in a good word for his sister and say how perfect he is for her, and since Steve and Cameron were now apparently best friends, this plan was bullet proof.

Okay, so maybe it's a little evil, taking advantage of someone's trust like that. But I think after Cameron got over the general shock, my plan would go smooth and easy.

"Trust me Billy, this is all under control."

"You're playing with fire," he gave me a look as he pulled into a parking spot at The Keg Steakhouse.

I chuckled, "well then it's a good thing I'm chill."

Before we entered the doors, Billy pulled me aside, looking more worried than usual.

"Stella, you know I usually support your ideas..."

"No you don't."

"Okay," he admitted, "I don't. But if Leah finds out you're meeting with her guy, this is just going to start a huge mess."

I was taken aback, "Billy, you were just the one in my room telling me to fight until I win."

"I know I did, but I didn't tell you to lose all allies along the way."

I frowned, shook my head, and marched into the Steakhouse.

"Steve, my man! Over here!" Cameron waved, he sat over in a booth.

I joined him, but sat on the opposite side, "hey, man!"

He reached across the table and offered me a light punch on the shoulder, I winced, "it seems like it's been forever! Man, I heard about your sick aunt, I'm so sorry, how is she?"

Billy scooched in beside me, hiding himself inside a menu.

I cleared my throat, lowering my voice a few octaves, "she's doing okay I guess. So hey, have you met my sister yet?"

"Oh, Stella? It's crazy man, you guys look like the same person."

Billy chuckled, "you'd be surprised."

I nudged Billy, "yea, no bond quite as strong as blood."

He nodded, "well it's good to see you, man. We gotta hang again after this, what do you say to some good ol' fashion football?"

I bit down on my lip, "I'd love to."

Cameron frowned. Woops, maybe that sounded a little too girly? He looked over at Billy, "Bills, you in too, man? Sometime this week."

He shook his head, "nada, my Xbox awaits me as we speak."

Cameron laughed.

"So," I propped my elbows on the table, "Stella, what do you think about her?"

He blinked, "your sister?"

Billy nudged me but I ignored it.

"Yea, you know, besides the fact that we look alike."

He leaned back, "well, I don't know, she's cute, I guess. Except I'm dating her best friend, so..."

I let out a squeel, which totally threw my man-card down the toilet.

Pffft, like I even had one in the first place.

Cameron frowned, "you alright?"

"Yeah!" I smiled, big, "what else do you think about her?"

He seemed really uncomfortable, he rubbed his neck, "I don't know, man, I haven't really gotten to know her, you know?"

"Well, she loves football," Billy interjected.

Thank you, Billy!

"For real?" Cameron raised his brows, "that's pretty cool, is she any good?"

"No," he responded just as quick.

I gave him the death glare.

I take that back.

Cameron chuckled, "well you never know until you actually play with the person."

"So," I was going to take advantage of every moment of being Steve, "Cameron, bro, her friend... Leah, is it? What's so... interesting about her? I mean, she doesn't seem like your kinda girl, man."

Billy shot me a 'that's-enough' look.

He shrugged, "well I kinda already told you in camp, but since it's just us guys here.... Remember how I said I only date girls to make them happy?"

I gasped, "so... you don't like her?"

He shook his head, "it's not that I don't like her. I don't mean to sound stuck up here, but it's no secret there are some crazy girls out there after me," he turned a light shade of red, then cleared his throat, "well, what I'm saying is, I like Leah-bear enough to try and make her happy."

Billy's brows popped up and he dropped his menu, "so you're not really serious about her, man?"

Wait, wait, wait! Am I the only one that caught this?!

"Did you just call her Leah-bear?" I asked, appalled.

They already have nicknames for eachother?! Ugh! State of emergency!

He blushed, I mean, majorly blushed, "sorry guys, I've gotten so used to it."

"Whipped?" Billy snickered.

Cameron flicked some of his water at him.

I rubbed my temples, so... does this mean I do have a chance?

"Anyway, all I'm saying is, you should definitely give my sister a chance."

Cameron laughed, "why?" he sipped on his straw and seemed somewhat amused, "does Stella Morrison have a crush on lil' ol' me?"

Uh-oh. I went bright red, so I shoved the menu in my face.

"Maybe," I muttered.

Billy sighed and made a noise with his mouth that signified strong dissaproval.

"So, Steve man, I got a question for ya."

I placed down the menu and looked him in the eyes, trying to calm my heart rate.

"If Stella's your twin sister, why do you guys have different last names?"

The table went silent.

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