147: He Compares You To His Ex - Harry

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It was quite early in the morning, you had been ill all last night and you didn't feel like doing anything today.

Harry on the other hand, was wide awake and had as much energy as a five-year-old.

"Morning Y/N!" Harry said, planting a small kiss on the top of your forehead.

You groaned and rolled over facing the TV.

"The post is here!" Harry said, bending down to pick up the small envelopes.

A few were just bills but there was one envelope that looked rather special.

You watched how Harry opened it, his face lit up in joy.

"Oh my gosh! Yes!" He said, jumping up and down.

"What is it?" You said, with your croaky voice.

"Tyler Oakley's having a birthday party today at 2pm in London!" Harry exclaimed.

"That's nice" you said, not really interested.

"Come on, we better get ready!" Harry said, pulling your arm.

"Harry? Haven't you forgotten that I'm ill?" You whispered.

"Y/N, you were ill last night, surely you're fine now" Harry said, looking at you.

"Harry, you don't get it do you? I have a cold, a sore throat, a chesty cough and a headache, I'd appreciate it more if you stayed at home and helped me" you said

"Y/N, you're just like Kendal, when she was ill" Harry said

"Thanks" you said, snuggling back up onto the sofa

"No! Y/N! I didn't mean it that way!" Harry said

"Whatever, go off to Tyler's party without me" You said, blowing your nose

<> <> <> <> <>

You thought that Harry had gone as it was now 3pm

Though, his car was still outside the front

Perhaps, one of his friends dropped him off

You went upstairs to find Harry sitting on your bed with his laptop

"Oh, Y/N, you're awake" Harry said, smiling

"Yeah, but I thought you went to Tyler's party" you said

He smiled slightly

"I didn't because I realised that it's better to spend time with my lovely girlfriend when she's ill and take care of her rather than pondering off to a party" He said

You smiled

"Thanks Haz" you said

"Also, I'm sorry I compared you to Kendal, it's just that I was mad and--" He said

"It's fine, I promise" you said

"Thanks Y/N" Harry said, kissing you

"Aren't you going to get ill too?" You asked him

"I don't care if I get ill too, I'd rather that we'd be ill together" Harry said, kissing you again

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