46: You Catch Him Doing Something Weird

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Harry: "Harry?" You called, walking into the flat, "I'm late for work, but I forgot my phone!" Your heels clicked through the atrium as you tried to find where you phone had been left. You didn't hear Harry, so you assumed that he had already left for the studio as well. You bounded up the stairs as went into your room - stumbling in on Harry, who was arm-deep in your bra drawer, with all of them scattered around the room and Harry pulling them out, studying them, and then tossing him behind him. "Harry...?" You sat there, confused for a second, and Harry looked up at you, totally unfazed. "Just trying to figure out my favorite one." He nodded, returning to the deconstruction of your underwear drawer.

Niall: You had had plans to go out with your girlfriends for drinks, however, on your way out they had all called in sick. Exasperated, you stomped back up the steps to your flat, throwing the door open and stepping in. You were greeted with the sight of Niall, in the kitchen, which usually wasn't a surprise. The surprise was his full-on apron ensemble, wooden spoon in hand, with Paula Deen playing on the food network on the television in the kitchen. "Butter!" Niall yelled excitedly, tossing something in the bowl he had in front of him. "Ni?" You smirked from the doorway, and Niall turned around, turning beet red. "I didn't know you liked southern cooking so much."

Zayn: Despite the YouTube video, various pieces of concert footage, and the personal testimony of Liam, Zayn still insisted that he couldn't dance. You had tried a million times to get him to dance, for you, with you, anything. But he just wouldn't do you. You were at uni, and you last class was cancelled you decided to head over to Zayn's house to surprise him. You got the spare key and helped yourself in, hearing rap music coming from the living room. You peeked your head in, and saw Zayn... twerking. You exploded in laughter, and Zayn spun around, turning red and looking towards the ground. "Zayn," you smirked, "You're doing it wrong."

Liam: "Liam," you yelled from the entryway, "I have to go get some groceries, I'll be back pretty soon." Liam nodded at you, watching television, and you snuck out. Once you got to the store, you realized that your purse was back at your flat, so you turned back around. You walked back into the flat, and your mouth dropped open, to find Liam elbow-deep in your purse. "Liam?" You smirked, "Need anything?" Liam jumped up, embarrassed, looking at you. "T-they said that you find out a lot about a woman from her purse...," you kissed his cheek, grabbing your purse. "Don't worry about it, Li. Only thing you'll find in their is lipgloss."

Louis: "Lou!" You yelled in your flat, unable to find your boyfriend. You heard nothing, so you realized he must still be at work. You went into the kitchen and started making yourself a snack, and you heard Louis' mutters coming from the bathroom. You put your sandwich down, moving down the hall and going into the bathroom. Louis had a box of your tampons in one hand, and your pads in the other. "Lou?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at you. "I... I was curious to how these things worked." You chuckled and left the bathroom, "Whatever, Lou."

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