97: Studying

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Louis: "Baaaaabe. Pay attention to me!!" he pouted. You looked at him for a quick second before returning your gaze to your textbook. "Baaaaabe!" he whined. "Louis, I can't right now. I've got a huge chemistry test tomorrow and I can't afford to fail it" you sighed. After a couple of seconds you felt a finger jab your sides. You squeaked at the sudden contact. You felt another finger jab you on the opposite side. And again, and again. "LOUIS PLEASE STOP!! I HAVE TO STUDY" you snapped. He looked at you with a hurt expression and got up. "No. Wait. I'm sorry..I'm just really stressed" you sighed. "...I guess a small break wouldn't hurt" you smiled. "YAY!!" he screamed and tackled you in a hug. You giggled at your childish boyfriend.

Harry: "Hey babe. Whatcha doin?" he said looking over your shoulder. "Just studying" you smiled, taking a quick glance at him. "Alright. I'll be in the shower if you need me" he said, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. "Okay.." you said, focusing on your notes. After twenty minutes, he came back with a towel wrapped around his bottom half, looking for a pair of boxers. Oh my. You couldn't help but stare at him. He was so toned. Drops of water were sliding down his muscular arms and perfect abs. "Liking the view?" he chuckled. You snapped your head up and blushed, knowing he just caught you staring. He walked over you and gently kissed your neck. "You should be focusing on what you're studying" he said whispering, and then walked out. What a tease.

Zayn: "UGH. MATH IS SO STUPID. WHEN AM I EVER GONNA NEED IT IN LIFE?!" you screamed, frustrated. "(Y/N)? You okay babe?" he asked, walking in your room. "I heard you yelling from downstairs.." he said, cautiously. You sighed. "I'm just stressed. I've got a math test tomorrow, and I don't understand any of this!" you said, pointing to your textbook. "Aw babe. C'mere" he said motioning you to sit on his lap. You did as told, and he instantly started massaging your shoulders, relieving you. "It's okay. You can do this. Just take a break first" he whispered in your ears. You turned around to face him and gave him a sweet kiss. "Thanks Zayn" you smiled. He continued to massage your shoulders for a while longer before you went back to studying, this time not stressed.

Niall: "I'm hungry" he announced. "Then go downstairs and get food" you said, not once looking up. "You wanna get it for me?" he said with a pleading smile. You gave him the 'are you being serious right now?' look, before focusing your attention back to your textbook. He sighed and got up, heading downstairs. After a while, he came back with a bag of chips and a drink in hand. He sat next you, just watching. "Did you need something Niall?" you sighed. "Nope. Just watching" he replied, continuing to eat his chips. You gave him a weird look before going back to studying. "Niall? Do you think you can chew quieter? I can't focus with you constantly crunching your chips. "Oh yeah sorry" he whispered, slowly chewing his chips. After a while he leaned in and looked at your textbook, eyebrows furrowed. "You actually get this?" he said, dropping crumbs on your textbook. You sighed, grabbed your textbook and gave Niall a quick kiss. "I'm gonna study downstairs" you said, leaving a confused Niall.

Liam: You were on the bed, studying for finals. Suddenly Liam walked in and greeted you with a kiss. "Hey babe. Studying?" he asked looking at the papers scattered around you. "Huh? Oh..yeah.." you said, noticing the mess you made. "You look cute when you study" he smiled, taking a seat next to you. "Cute?" you asked, confused. "Yeah" he shrugged. "Every time you study you put your hair in a bun and you wear those nerdy glasses" he said smiling, pointing at your glasses. "Oh.." you said slightly embarrassed, taking them off. "No! I like them! They make you look smart. And adorable" he smiled, putting them back on you. "Oh..thanks.." you said, a small smile forming on your lips. He gave you a quick peck on the lips before leaving you to study in a peaceful environment.

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