16: You Have A Fight And He Stops You From Leaving

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You lit the last candle for you and Harry's anniversary dinner. You stepped back and looked at your work.  You had made Harry's favorite dinner and spread petals around the table. Everything was perfect and Harry should be home any minute. You sat down and waited for the clock to hit 8, seeing as that's when Harry said he'd be home. You got bored and  started playing with your phone. You realized that you had been waiting for quite some time, so you looked up at the clock again. It was almost 8:45! You quickly text Harry.

To Harry-Where are you, you should have been home 45 minutes ago!

You started to clear the table while you waited for a reply. Your phone buzzed and you looked at Harry's text.

From Harry- I'm at the pub with the lads, what's it matter?

You shook your head in disbelief, he had forgotten about your anniversary! And after everything you did to make sure this night was perfect. You slammed your phone down on the counter and threw the rest of the food into the garbage. You could feel your eyes start to well up as you stormed into your room. You curled up in a little ball and began sobbing into your knees. How could he just forget like that? Did he even care? Does he even love you? You asked your self while a billion thoughts swarmed in your head. You heard the front door open and you shot up off the floor. You ran to the door just as Harry stepped through. "How could you!"you screamed at him. Harry looked back at you with confusion in his eyes. "How could i what?"he asked. You laughed angrily and shook your head. "Oh nothing it's not like you forgot our ANNIVERSARY or anything " you screeched. His face went ghost white as he reached up to wipe a tear from your face. "I'm so sorry kitten, I don't know how i forgot. I just had a long day." he sighed. "You had a long day! I thought you'd at least have a better excuse than that!"you spat "Do you even care that I spent my whole day preparing the perfect dinner for you?!?" "Of course I do I just had a long day!"he repeated. "Yeah well long day or not if you really loved me, then you would have remembered!" you yelled running back into your room. You grabbed your suit case and began throwing your clothes into it. While tears fell freely down your face. You grabbed your now full suitcase and went back to the door,where Harry was still standing with a shocked look on his face. He saw you and his eyes went even wider. "No, kitten, please."he whispered his eyes becoming glossy with tears. "Why do you even care?!?" you asked. "Because I do love you and with all my heart. Please don't leave me." he begged taking the suit case from your hand "Please just let me make it up to you." "Fine you get one last chance Styles." you agreed. He let out a sigh of relief and pulled you towards him. "Thank you." he whispered and wiped away your tears.


You were sitting on the coach getting ready to send Niall  another text when he stumbled through the door.He was obviously drunk. You stood up putting your hands on your hips. "Where have you been?" You asked even though you already knew the answer. "Why the hell does that matter to you?!" he shouted. "Excuse me! It matters because I've been worried sick about you!" "Yeah yeah yeah what fucking ever." he replied walking into the kitchen. You followed closely behind while glaring at Niall. He grabbed another beer from the fridge and opened it. "I think you've had enough Niall." you stated.His head snapped towards you. "I could care less what you think your just a stupid bitch!" he yelled. 

His words hit you like a storm, did he really mean that? you asked yourself. You felt tears come to your eyes as Niall immediately sobered up. "N-no i d-didn't mean that princess." he stuttered. " Of course you did, otherwise you wouldn't have said it!" you replied dashing into your room. You grabbed your shoes and began slipping them onto your feet. Niall came up behind you and softly grabbed your shoulder. You stopped tying your laces and turned around, your face only a few inches away from Niall's. You looked into his eyes which were now red and puffy from crying and quickly looked back down. "Please Princess don't leave , I didn't mean that I swear I was just angry." he explained " I think your the most beautiful girl in the world and I love you so much, please don't go." You looked back up into his eyes as another tear slipped down his face. "How can I trust you Niall? How do I know you don't really think that about me?" you questioned. Niall sighed before answering " You can't know that I don't think that (Y/N) you just have to trust me." You stood up and walked over to your bed,before looking back at him. "I-I need to think about this." you replied. He gave you an even sadder look but shook his head. "I'll be in the living room then ok?" he asked. You could only shake your head.

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