58: He's Mad At You

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"Niall," you plead, "please look at me." You walk around the couch to stand in front of him, but he turns his head away. "Please," you mutter with a sigh as you take a seat by his side. Gently you place your hands on his shoulders, rubbing out the tense knots. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me," still he refuses to say anything, but you can feel him relax under your hands. Knowing you're already forgiven you lean in, placing your lips next to his ear. "Isn't there something I can do to make it up to you?" you whisper, slowly kissing below his ear and down his neck. "I forgive you," he mumbles, "but if you insist on making it up to me," he adds with a shrug and a wink.


Zayn silently paces around the house, brooding. Finally you've had enough and you fall into step behind him. "Zayn," you say, waiting and then repeating yourself when he doesn't answer. "What?" he turns on his heel, causing you to stop short. "I know you're mad at me. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did when we were fighting. Please forgive me, I can't take the silence anymore," tears build up in your eyes and you quickly brush them away. He pulls you in, crushing you against his chest. "You're forgiven, please don't cry. I love you, okay?" he mumbles against your hair, running his hand slowly up and down your back.


It's nearly four a.m. when you hear the front door slam shut, you stop your worried pacing and run down the hall to make sure Louis is okay. He hasn't returned any of your calls since he stormed angrily out of your shared flat earlier in the evening. "Louis," you run into his arms at full speed, nearly knocking him to the ground. He steadies you but quickly turns away, making his way towards the bedroom. "Louis please, I'm so sorry. I was worried sick about you," you say following close behind him, "I'm so glad you're okay. If you don't want to talk to me right now that's okay, I'm just so relieved. I love you." He turns around, searching your gaze. "No, I'm sorry," he smiles gently. You fall into his arms again, only this time he returns your embrace, "and I love you too."


Impatiently you drum your fingers against the desk, hoping Liam will answer your call this time. You sigh in frustration when it goes to his voicemail once again. "Liam," you begin after the beep, "I'm so sorry. I know you're mad at me, but please call me back. I love you so much, okay? Please, please call me." You hang up the phone and lean your head against your hands. Somehow you'd gotten into a big fight with Liam over skype a few hours ago and you haven't been able to get a hold of him since. Him being on tour wasn't easy and now it was even worse because you couldn't apologize if he didn't answer your calls. Suddenly the phone rings and you jump to get it. "Hello?" you ask. "Babe, it's me," Liam's voice answers on the other line and you sigh in relief, "listen I'm sorry I didn't answer we were in an interview, but I'm not mad at you. Our fight was stupid and it's already forgiven."


It's been two days since Harry's talked to you and you don't think you can take it much longer. Usually when you visited him on tour the two of you never stopped talking, trying to catch up on missed time, but you'd gotten in a fight and he seemed content to ignore you. Leaving you alone in a hotel room, in an unfamiliar city, while he went out with the boys. The door opens and you quickly wipe away the tears before Harry can see. It's late and he doesn't even look your way as he climbs into his side of the bed and turns the lights off. You try not to cry, but you can't help the way your shoulders shake in an attempt to keep the tears silent. Harry rolls over and turns you to face him. "Oh baby," he says softly, a look of regret crosses his face, "I'm so sorry." He gently kisses your lips and wipes the tears from your cheeks, "I love you. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ignored you." You nod and he wraps you in a tight embrace, letting you fall asleep against his chest.

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