68: You're Approached By A Fan

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Liam: You're walking around London with Liam when you hear your name being called out from behind you. Both you and Liam turn around to see two girls running towards to. "Hey Liam! Hey (Y/N)!" they greet you cheerfully as you both smile back. "Can we have your autographs?" she looks at you, then Liam.

Zayn: You're sitting outside a cafe, waiting for a friend when you see a small group of girls across the road, waving their arms, trying to get your attention. You smile and wave back at them. "(Y/N), you're gorgeous!" one of them yells out as you chuckle and thank them.Niall: "Excuse me? Where's the nearest station from here?" you ask a girl who looks around your age. "Oh. It's just up ahead, before that intersection." she informs you, pointing to the left. "Thanks." you smile back, about to walk off, but she talks again. "Umm...are you, by any chance, (Y/N), Niall's girlfriend?" You're shocked that she knows you. "Yep." "Can I please have your autograph?" she asks politely, as you nod, getting out a pen from your bag. 

Harry: "Harry?" one of the fans asks. "Yeah?" he replies, signing another fan's poster before smiling up at her. "Can you take a picture of me and (Y/N)?" she hands over her camera to a confused Harry, and stands next to you, as you grin and place an arm over her shoulders, posing for the photo. You tease Harry about it afterwards. 

Louis: You enter a boutique, looking for a dress to wear at your cousin's wedding. As you're going through the racks, you notice two girls whispering to each other and looking at you. One of them finally approaches you. "Hi. Are you (Y/N)?" they ask you as you hesitantly nod. "Oh my god. You're even prettier in real life. Can I have a picture with you?" they gush as you smile.

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