"I don't even know what you're talking about in the first place." I tried to keep the frustration out of my voice, not wanting to set her off. I couldn't help it shine through though, everything is so hard to take in at once.

"Well just leave it alone, okay!" She screamed at me and I winced as she backed away farther from me.

"No, Georgia...Georgia Im sorry." I whispered and my arms reached out, pleading for her to stop backing away and to let me hold her once again. Now that I've felt what its like to have her with me again, I can't find myself to let her go. I will never let her go, it takes it toll.

"Now that you're here I want to stay, I really do..." She trails of and the pit in my stomach tells me she's not talking about in my arms, but in life itself.

"...but, if I don't-don't do this Harry, they'll kill me first." She said and I started to repeatedly shake my head.

"No...No! You can't do it. Georgia, I love you too much to let you go and-"

"But Harry-"

"No, listen to what I have to say. Please." I begged. She stayed silent, letting me continue.

"What ever happened to forever?" I cried.

"What has happened to us and what we stood for, I thought nobody could break us. We were two people that fell in love so easily and so fast that it all felt like beautiful dandelions growing in a field. I thought we were stronger, I truly thought that nothing could ever break us. But after the fights and the endless waves of hate hitting us no matter how hard we tried to swim, something snapped. Look at us now, for three weeks we went without each other and look at where that has gotten us! It's not just you that's been going through this pain, Georgia. It has been complete hell without being able to touch you. You can't believe that this right here isn't a sign that you should be alive. Look, we were in such a rough patch, ready to completely end it all for good, but look where we are right now...we're together." Both our tears fell but we didn't stray away from the eye contact being given,

"This is fate Georgia, we are fate."

"You have a girlfriend." The pain that left for a mere second returned and harshly dug into her facial features. I tried to talk but it was pulled back in my throat, Georgia waited for me to say something, but it never came.

Georgia's POV

I desperately waited for him to decline that he was seeing someone, but at the back of my mind I knew he wouldn't, and I was right. My heart shattered and I became numb to the feeling. This is just an endless circle of being picked up just to be shoved back down. The array of emotions I've felt has mixed and all I feel is the numbness that I've grown so used to. It's like when you mix numerous colors and shade together, it just makes brown. Why do I have to expect so much from these people? Why do I just suck them dry, expecting more everytime.

"Why? Why do you do this to me?" I whispered, looking into his watering eyes with my stinging ones. I felt the pain and betrayal showing through.

"You expect me to believe all of this, all of this bullshit?" Tears spilled over the edges of my eyes.

"I cannot believe you, I really can't. You come here to save me from killing myself, even though I want to so badly. You hold me in your arms, telling me all these words I longed to hear and then you-you..." I became overwhelmed.

"You go ahead and crush me all over again! That right there, that that you just told me...it really opened me up and made me feel like I could stay here. But you lied, so now I am forced to believe that me living on this earth is a lie. Thank you for crushing me all over again, Harry Styles. Thank you." My breathing was rapid and the large tears fell down like rain that burnt my cheeks with every drop. My mouth was dry as I looked at the guy I am head over heels for, knowing he doesn't love me back. My head hurts because I just can't understand how he could look me in the eyes and lie straight to my face like he did.

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