37 -Vows (Pt1)

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You were so excited that you were going to marry Barry in less then a week.

" Hey Y/N I need to tell you something." Barry said nervously. Turning from the dinner you were cooking you faced him with a worried expression. "What is it?" You asked softly. He took in a deep breath. "Y/N I should've told you this sooner but." He paused, eyes looking every where but yours. "You were just a rebound for Iris. I mean I really do love you just not as much as Iris." Tears welled in you eyes but you pushed them back refusing to cry. "I understand Barry. We will call off the wedding so you can be with Iris. Ok?" You said softly. You pull off the ring and place it on the counter. "Have a nice happy life Barry." You say softly.


You were devastated that Barry didn't love you as much as you loved him. You had moved back into your own small apartment. It was the night of you wedding and all you could do was cry. You were coming back from work and you were trying so hard not to cry while you were driving back from work. After what seemed like a while the tears stopped. You crossed the bridge that always made Barry nervous. Barry. Tears welled in your eyes again. Everything was so blurry all you could see was the blinding light of another car. You quickly swerved to avoid crashing but what you didn't realize was that you weren't on a road you were on a bridge. You let out a gasp once you were airborne.

The burning finally stopped in your lungs when everything went dark.


While this was all happening Barry was at Star Labs trying to figure out where Y/N was now living. "Barry I got it. It's on 4th and her apartment number is 38." Caitlin called out. "Wait don't go." Cisco yelled which caused Barry to turn around. "Don't fuck it up. Again." Caitlin and Cisco said in unison.

As Barry races over to Y/N he couldn't help but notice all the police cars heading towards a bridge. "Barry.." Cisco spoke "Not now Cisco. I have to make things right." Cisco sighed softly "Just go to the bridge."

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