78 -See You Later (Pt2)

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Part two

For the next 5 years, you flew from Central City and London every six months. You had become quite good friends with Cisco, Caitlin and Ronnie. Caitlin and Ronnie were engaged thanks to Cisco's and your's handy work. It was the day of the Particle Accelerator unveiling and everyone was just as nervous as Dr Wells. "Y/N." Wells spoke interrupting your conversation with Cisco. "Yes, Dr Wells?" You asked. "How would you feel about being on stage with me?" This shocked you. "Why Dr Wells if I may ask." He gave you a smile that let shivers run down your spine. "You have saved us from many chemical catastrophes, so I thought maybe you would like to join me to show the world." Shrugging your shoulders you agreed. "Sure why not."


Barry joined Iris at the unveiling. He had waited for years and now it was finally happening. He finally got to have his 'sciencey nerd dream fulfilled' as Iris put it. He saw a Y/H/C woman come up to a podium. She said a few words before introducing Dr Wells up. "Thank you Dr Y/L/N." Wait what? She went to London like 5 years ago. Shaking his head at the thought of this, the could definitely be a million blondes with the last name Y/L/N.

Midway through Dr Wells speech Dr Y/L/N came and whispered in his ear, causing him to pause. He whispered a few things before she ran off. Confusion rippled through the crowd, wondering what on earth had just happened. Only moments later to have their questions answered.

You ran all the way to the bottom of the basement, only to find Caitlin and Ronnie arguing. "Enough!" You cried out. You had never yelled in front of them. "Ronnie your not going, I will. You have a fiance who loves you dearly, I'm sure your parents would be devasted if you died." You said looking at him sternly. "No Y-" You cut him off. "Leave the door open for 3 minutes tops. If I don't come back within that time, lock it down. You hear me." You turned and headed inside the ring. "Later bitches, also when I get out all of you owe be Taco Bell." You said trying not to sound so angry or scared. "I'll get you extra guac as well." Cisco spoke breaking the silence. "Like hell you are." You said as you ran down the ring.

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