2 -Wings

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Requested by nadya_mendes Status: Edited

"Hey, Nadya," Barry says kissing the top of your head. "Hey Bare," You say and turn around. "So do you want to uh go out for dinner tonight?" Barry asks awkwardly. "Yeah sure" You laugh. "What time?" You ask "7:00 tonight," He says looking down at you. "Ok sure, well I have to go Mr what-is-name is gonna kill me if I'm late. "Ok see ya later shortie," He says playfully. You turn around and poke your tongue out at him. "Shut up," You say and close the door.

You wish he would tell you about his speed. You have been dating for nearly a year. It was so frustrating but you couldn't get mad at him really. You have a secret that you haven't told him. Your wings. You were planning on telling him sometime this week but you were too nervous.

•Time Skip•
You were getting ready for your dinner date when you heard the doorbell ring.
"Coming" You yell and slip on your heals. You open the door and see Barry. "Are you ready?" Barry asks. "Yeah let's go." You reply.

You had finished your dinner which was full of jokes and funny stories. You realised he was looking at your back interestingly. "Uh bare why are you looking at my back?" You ask hoping it wasn't your wings. "There is red feathers coming out of your back!" He exclaimed. "Barry I have to tell you something." You say deciding it was time to tell him. "I have a special power, wings. Those feathers shouldn't be red they should be white" You say slowly. "Oh, well then in case there is something I need to tell you as well. I'm the flash" He says giving you a small smile. "Yeah," You say bluntly "Come with me" He picks you up and races you over to star labs

"Caitlin? Cisco?" Barry yells down the corridor "Yeah" a women's yells. Barry grabs your hand and takes you down the hall. "Caitlin meets Nadya, Nadya meet Caitlin" Caitlin extends a hand out to you. You shake it. "So Nadya, Barry talks about you all the time." You see Barry blush an awful deep red. You give a little giggle "Anyway Caitlin I need you to do a test for me. On Nadya." Barry says. "Ok uh Nadya come with me," Caitlin says gesturing you to follow her. She led's you to a hospital looking room. "Ok I'm just going to extract some blood using this needle," Caitlin says and went to grab the needle. You notice your hands start to shakes. You always hated needles. (Sorry if you don't I just know most people do) they made you nervous every time you had to get a flu shot or something.

Your results came back within an hour "So uh Nadya you are not so much of a human more of an angel" Caitlin says. "Um. Wow. Ok" You say. You feel an anxiety attack coming. "Well, I gotta go. See ya later Barry" You give Barry a kiss on the cheek "And it was nice meeting you Caitlin," You say and give her a small smile. You walk swiftly out the door and out of wherever you were. You run all the way home. Tears streaming down your face. Your body is shaking like crazy and you fumble with the keys to your apartment. You rush to your bedroom and just cry. You can't breathe. You hear footsteps in your room. "Nadya are you in here" You recognise its Barry's voice and you just start to cry even more. Barry rushes to your side and sits next to you. "Nadya looks at me," Barry says holding your small body. Your glasses were fogging up. You took them of and put them on your bedside table. You turn your head to Barry. He starts to play with your brown hair and you suddenly calm down. "I don't want any of this" You whisper. "I know you don't. But it's ok. You will be ok" He said and kisses your cheek. "Well I'm tired and I bet your tired so I'm going to go to sleep." You say and give Barry a kiss before going to the bathroom. "Ok see ya later Nadya," He says and closes the door behind him.

You wake up in the morning and text Barry.

To Barry⚡️: Hey wanna come over?
From Barry⚡️: Sure what time
To Barry⚡️: Anytime
From Barry⚡️: Ok I'll come over in an hour or so
To Barry⚡️: Ok see you then.

"I'm here." Barry says as he enters the door "Yay so what do you wanna do?" I ask "Play a game," Barry says with a smile on his face. "Ok, what sort of game?" You ask nervously "Hide 'N' seek." You nod happily. This was your favourite game when you were younger. "Ok, I'll hide," You say.
You run over your apartment trying to find solace to hide. You panic when Barry calls that he is ready so you hide be hind a curtain. You hear him come in your room. You turn your back trying to peak out from the curtains "BOO!" Barry yells from behind you scaring you. Your wings fly open and hit Barry right in the chest, sending him flying backwards. You turn around widening your brown eyes at the sight of him. His clothes are burnt and you rush to grab him an ice pack. You start to cry. You hurt the person who meant the most to you. You give him an ice pack and place it on his chest. "Thanks," He says "Barry I'm so so sorry, it was an accident I didn't mean to hurt you. Please don't be mad." You ramble. "Nadya it's ok. You didn't mean to" He says softly "But I just feel so bad" You say you notice something appear. A scar but in the shape of wings. "Barry look" You point to his chest. "Wow that's cool," He says.

Hoped you liked this. Sorry if it was too rushed it was just made up on the spot. Also sorry if there is a few mistakes here and there.

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