16 -3 weeks

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"How long has it been?" Barry asks Cisco "Around about 3 weeks" Barry nods his head and starts to make his way to you.

You were put onto life support after Zoom kidnapped you and tortured you until you were near death. The way he tortured you were unimaginable. He beat you. Threatened you and starved you. You were there for 3 months. You knew he would go easy on you because you were friends with Caitlin but because you were a speedster he hated you.

"Hello Y/N" Jay said as he entered your cell. "Jay please stop."You cried helplessly. He sped over to you with his face so close to yours you could feel his breath in your face. "Now why would I want to do that" He said angrily. "Because.." You tried to think of something. Failing miserably you knew what was about to come. Tears started to brim in your eyes. One punch, Two punch, 1 kick and 3 slaps. It was like a game. Except he had his own rules. Rules you didn't understand. "Talk like that again and you will receive something worse.

Tears were falling down your face as you realized you would receive another one the next day possibly worse.

Barry was stroking your hand when he noticed the tears. "Cisco?" Barry called
Cisco came in and he noticed Y/N tears. Cisco went back to check everything.
"Yo Barry, come take a look at this." Cisco called from the other room. Barry went over and looked at the screen. "Dude her brain is lightning up. The part where you dreams are "kept" I guess" Cisco explained "Wait so does that mean she's having a dream right now?" Barry questioned. "Yeah and it must be an adrenaline filled dream because her heart rate is quite high, Almost faster than yours." Barry took a moment to take it all in. "So what your saying is that she might come back soon?" Barry asked hopeful. "Hopefully"

3 months later.

Barry was sitting next to you, playing on his phone when all of a sudden you woke up "Y/N!" Barry said happily. Your eyes widened as he came to give you a hug. You up. "Stay away from me" You said with tears welling in your eyes. Barry who was hurt a little but understood that you would probably be afraid of everyone and would be for a while. "Can I still give you a hug?" Barry asked softly "No. No you can't." You said firmly and started to take the wires off you.

"Cisco when is Caitlin coming" You asked boredly. She should be here any minute. "Oh Summer when Caitlin comes we are going to have to talk about Jay." Cisco says. "Oh ok. I like talking about Jay. Jay is really nice" You say simply. Cisco looks at Barry and just about bursts with laughter. Barry on the the hand looks like he is going to be sick.

When Caitlin finally arrives The three of them grab a chair and sit around you. "Uh Caitlin can you please get Him out of here" You whisper in Caitlin's ear. She looks at you weirdly. "Uh Barry come with me.

"Tell me why you are doing this?" You plead. "It's not me who is doing it, it's Barry"

"Barry apparently Y/N doesn't want you in there but I will send you down to another room but you will be able to hear our conversation. Cisco told me what she said before. So don't worry.

"But I thought the flash was good. He doesn't hurt people." Jay steps forward. "Well Y/N you thought wrong"

"Ok are you ready." You nod your head. "Jay Garrick is the best and fastest man to ever exist."

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