11 -50 shades of masks

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Status: Edited

5 y e a r s a g o

"Well, I guess this is goodbye." You said as you walked away from the graduation ceremony. Barry flashed a small smile. "Guess so," He said and pulled you into a hug. "Good luck with everything, marry someone who loves you and treats you right. Okay?" He said in a somewhat stern manner. "Will do, and thank you for everything." You said and slip into your car. "Catch ya later." You say and drive off.

P r e s e n t

You and your friend Eddie walked into the ballroom. "Thanks for coming by the way," Eddie said gratefully. "No problem might as well get used to this place as well." You say and scan the area.

Truth be told your science degree didn't really help you get a job, and you ended up getting recruited for the Leauge Of Assassins, which ended up you having to fake your own death, helping Green Arrow and now you're a measly officer. A lot of things have changed over the past 5 years.

You and Eddie split ways, looking for lonely or groups of people to talk to. You ended up finding a small group of people who seemed friendly enough ( a bit hard to tell under the masks) and started to approach them.

Fortunately enough they did seem to be friendly enough. It was a bit awkward at first but eventually, you all ended up getting along and it was as if you had been catching up with old friends.

You were on the dance floor just casually swaying to the music when a conversation came up that sounded very similar to an experience that happened 5 years ago.

"How did you get your science degree?" Barry asked as he pulled you off to get you both a drink. "I went to Central City College." Barry looked at you with raised eyebrows. "So did I." You smiled at him. "When did you graduate?" You asked as you sipped your drink. "I think 5 years..." Barry said looking at the ceiling as if to try and remember. "Yeah 5 years." He concluded. "I had this amazing friend there." He said as he took a sip of his drink. "She was the best. I had a huge crush on her. Unfortunately, like many other situations, she only saw me as a friend." You gave a sad smile. "Sounds like mine, I'm pretty sure he only saw me as a friend." You thought back to the day where you were leaving right after graduation. "He told me to find someone who loves me and treats me right, but he was the one who treated me right." You said with a dry laugh. You looked over at Barry's shocked face. "I'm sorry, I know that was really cheesy." You said and looked at the floor. "No, it's not that, Y/N, do you mind taking off your mask." You looked at him confused but slowly pulled off your mask. "Your Y/N!" He threw his arms around you. "You're my Y/N." You pulled away from Barry. "Wait, Barry? As in Barry Allen?" He gave you a nod and you pulled him back into your embrace.

"It's been so long"

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