38 -Nightmare

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-Flash Back-

You ran through the woods, checking behind you every so often to see of the nightmare of a man was still chasing you.

You felt the glass sink deeper In to your back as you rested against the tree. Maybe you would die here. Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

-End of Flash back-

You smiled at the flowy white dress. Your hair was put into a side braid. "You look beautiful." Iris gushed handing you the bouquet of red roses. Today was the day you would marry the man of your dreams and you couldn't wait.

"You may kiss the bride." Barry looked at you with the biggest grin on his face as he leaned in you heard the doors burst open. Everyone turned their heads to the sudden noise. Barry shot you a worries glance as you stood there horrified, the man from your nightmares was here, back to haunt you.

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