22 -Pills

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Warning do not read if you have/had depression or suicdal thoughts

A/N: Holy shit. Thank you so much for 3k! I'm screaming.

R/G/N= Random girl name

You sat down on your bed. You questioned if your friendship with
R/G/N. You were going through a rough time. The depression and suicidal thoughts were constantly running through your head. You tried hiding them from everyone especially Barry. You were pretty sure Barry was starting to get suspicious. Hugging you longer, randomly saying I love you.

You stared at the text. Should you press send? How would she react? Closing your eyes you pressed send.

Hey R/G/N I'm not sure this friendship is working.

Moments later you got a reply

What do you mean?

This was hard. You had been friends for nearly 20 years. You let out a shaky sigh. "Hey Y/N. Is everything alright?" Barry asked as he sat down next to you. Tears welled up in your eyes. Placing your head on Barry's shoulder you mutter a soft "No". He pulls you in closer giving, you a tight hug. You sat there for a few minuets in the silence. Tears were slowly flowing down your face. "It's just too hard" You say breaking the silence. "Have you taken your pills?" Barry asked. You hummed a yes. "Barry I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back in a second." You say and walk out the room.

Popping open the canister which was filled of sleeping pills. You grabbed a small handful and popped them in your mouth. Slowly your eyes started to close and the last thing you heard was your name being yelled.

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