72 -Don't touch my stuff

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"Okay, guys I'll be back in a couple of hours. Don't touch my stuff." You call out as you walk up the stairs to exit the cave.

"Okay Allen, you up for a little training?" Oliver asks turning to Barry. "Are you ready?" Barry jokes. Oliver just gives him the 'are you fucking serious' look before walking towards your weapons. "Y/N is going to kill us." Barry says but still reaches out to grab a throwing star. "She will never know." Oliver says and grabs a Katana. "How the hell does Y/N know how to use all of these?" Barry asked in bewilderment. Oliver shrugs. "She was trained in the Red Room." Barry's eyebrows knit in confusion. "Long story." Oliver says slashing a dummies head off. "Right." Barry says throwing a star but it ends on the ceiling and falls on the ground with a slight clank. Barry jogs up to it and sees the blades bent in different angles. "Oh shit." Barry whispers. "What did you do?" Oliver asks peering down at the star. "You're so dead."

"Who is dead?" You ask.

(EH, sad one coming soon.)

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