68 -Speed Force (Pt3)

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Day 23 (Warning next imagine is sad.)

You smiled as Barry told you the news. You were finally able to be set free. "Thank you, Flash I don't know how I'm going to thank you." You said as you ran through the speed force.


You tightly hugged Caitlin once you made through the speed force. "I missed you so much." Caitlin murmured in your neck. "I missed you too." You said pulling away from her hug. "Oh my god. Velocity is standing right in front of me." A boy with shoulder length hair said in awe. "Stop fangirling." You teased. "Caitlin I'll be right back, I have to pay a visit to someone." You said leaving a blur of F/C behind you.


You quietly snuck up behind Oliver. "Did you miss me?" You whispered in his ear. Oliver let out a girl squeal. "Y-Y/N? H-How? What? When? What?" Oliver asked completely confused. "Long version or short?" You asked. "Short." He stated. "Well, 4 years ago when I disappeared, Savitar locked me up in the speed force and I couldn't get out until someone became faster." You said casually. "Wait did Barry beat you?" He asked wide-eyed. "I assume that Flash boy. How the hell did he break my record." You said in disbelief. "I need to beat him again. Tell Felicity I'll see her soon." You said before racing back to Central City.


"Where did you go?" Flash asked you. "I went to see by boyfriend Oliver." You teased. Oliver wasn't your boyfriend, hell if he was your boyfriend and waited 4 years then he deserves a prize. "Oliver Queen?" He asked dumbfounded. "Yeah. Why is that so shocking?" You asked. "Well your Velocity the fastest woman alive and he's.." He trailed off. "You jealous, Flash boy." Barry's cheeks bloomed red. "N-No, why would I be?" You shrugged. "Okay, well anyway, since you managed to become faster than me, wanna race." You flashed off, giving him no time to confirm or deny.

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