70 -You Are Invited

796 28 15

Day 25 (Merry Christmas!! Hope you guys have a wonderful day. I have a question to ask should I start writing a Flash fanfic. It won't be like these shitty little ideas that come into my mind at 3 am.)

5 Years Ago

"Barry I'll be back before you know it." You whispered as you hugged him one last time. He didn't want to let you go. "I love you Y/N." He said as you pulled away from him. "I love you, Barry." You said as you climbed into the cab. Shutting the door you waved goodbye and drove off. Barry watched your cab become a small speck in the distant. His heart broke at the thought of never seeing your smile or hearing your laugh again. He was madly in love with you but was too afraid to admit it.


Barry unlocked his door to his apartment. He flicked through the pile of letters that he had just picked up. Bills. More Bills. Not a bill. Turning the envelope over to see who had sent it. It was you. The girl Barry had fallen in love with all those years ago.

You are invited to,

Y/F/N Y/L/N and Noah Carter


We hope you can make it

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