29 -Impression

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A/N: Sorry for not updating for a bit. I have no wifi at home be chase mum forgot to pay the bill.

You lay there bored. "Barry I'm bored" You whine. "Well what do you want to do?" Barry asked. "I don't know. There's nothing to do" Barry hummus for a moment indicating he is thinking. "We could go for a walk?" You moaned in response. "But I'm lazy" He hummed again. "What a movie" You shook you head. "No" He hummed once more "We could go to the beach" You laughed. "Barry are you crazy. It's bloody freezing outside" You say beige sighing. "I guess I'll die of boredom" You muttered. "No you are going to die old with me" Barry said with a smile. "Oh wait you know what we could do?" Barry got up and looked at you. "What?" You smiled. "Get me your flash suit." Just like that he left and came back. You slipped it over your clothes. "Now tell me if this is a good impression." You coughed. "My name is Barry Allen and I'm the Flash. I go around saving people and I also love kissing my girlfriend" You said in a manly voice. "My girlfriend also thinks I'm rather attractive when I come in wearing my suit but don't have my mask on." Barry watched you in amusement. "Okay that was pretty good" He went upstairs and grabbed your arrows. "My name is Y/N and I used to train with Oliver Queen aka the Green Arrow but Oliver was boring so I moved to Central City." Barry said in a girly voice. "My boyfriend thinks I look super hot when I've finished training and I'm all sweaty and gross but I still give him a hug. Aha" You smirked "Oh please just cause I'm a better vigilant than you doesn't mean you get to mock me" You say in your normal voice. "Well as long as you don't shoot me then I agree" Barry says still in his girly voice. "Ok Y/H/N (Your Hero Name) don't get cocky now" You say back in your manly voice. "Whatever you say Flash"

Barry Allen ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now