4 -Fire, Ice and Speed

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Status: Edited

Warnings: Cheating

You had always hated Barry Allen. Barry on the other hand completely adored you. The very thought of Barry liking you made you want to be sick.

Ever since the Particle Accelerator exploded, you had been gifted with two powers. Fire and Ice. Two completely different elements. But hey you didn't complain. It gave you a chance to hurt Mr Allen. But of course, Barry had also been gifted a power. Superspeed. The slowest boy in all of Central City is now the fastest man alive. How comical.


As you walked into Star Labs, the sound of an alarm went, signalling Cisco that someone had entered the building. You had studied Star Labs, for a while now. You managed to hack into their database and get everything about Barry onto a tiny little chip. Once you were done with Barry you would announce to the world who he was.

As you walked into the Cortex, you could see Barry had already changed into his suit. "Hello Cisco, Caitlin." You said and gave them a sickly sweet smile. "And hello Barry." You watched Barry's smug face turn into a look of caution and worry. "How do you know our names?" Cisco asked cautiously. "Well, it's not very hard to get into your satellite." You teased and gave him a flirty wink. Making him shift uncomfortably. "Well since you know our names? Can we know yours?" Barry asked his voice still vibrating. "You know who I am, don't worry I'll give you time to think about it." You said and walked off.


You sat at the waterfront. You felt a small gush of wind blowing your hair. "Ah nice of you to join me, Allen." You said and let small snowflakes form in your hand. "I didn't want to scare your friends." You said and shot a few icicles at him, which he successfully dodged. "Looks like you've gotten faster over the years." The comment caught him off guard, making him stand still for are few seconds, that gave you all the time in the world. You shot a few more icicles at him which made him stumble a bit. You shot some ice at his legs which made him fall over. "You never were much of a fighter were you?" You said and pulled off your mask. "Y/N?" Barry asked, you smile and blow him a kiss. "Why? What? Why?" He asked shocked. "Oh..my..goodness." You laughed in between words. "I'm surprised you don't, being able to travel into the future and all." Barry's eyes widened a bit. He recently found out that he could go to the future, but he hadn't told anyone. "What do you mean." You rolled your eyes. "We get married in the future, have two kids and own a nice big house. We used to work together stopping crime but when we had the first baby we retired. Anyway, after we had been married for 20 years. You don't come home one night, your out with Iris and you come home smelling like her. I ask you where you've been and you lied, right to my face. You divorced me later that week and lived happily ever after with Iris." You laugh humorlessly.


You wake up with a gasp. You look at the other side of the bed and see Barry peering down at you. "You alright?" He asks. "Yeah, just a dream." You say slightly confused. "You sure?" Barry looks into your eye. "Yeah, just go back to sleep." You say and lie back down. You subconsciously movie closer to Barry. "Goodnight Y/N," Barry says and places kiss ontop of your head.

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