79 -Roses

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Requested by TinyIsMyName

(Some Lyrics not included to fit the chapter)

"Barry, can you come here?" Barry heard his fiance call from the living room. Pushing himself off the bed he met his fiance, Y/N with an expressionless face. Confused Barry sat down and faced her fiance. "Whats up?" He asked Y/N. She drew in a breath. "Barry, how do you feel about kids?" She asked placing her hands in her lap. "I don't know, maybe sometime in the next 2 or 3 years. Why?" Barry asked. "I think I'm pregnant." Y/N sighed out. Fear consumed Barry. She couldn't be pregnant, not with Savitar running around. "What do you mean 'I think'?" She looked down. "I'm late like two weeks late and I've taken 10 tests Barry and half of them show up positive." Y/N sighed running her hand through her hair.

Things quickly escalated into something ugly. "I don't love you." Barry mumbled. "What?" Y/N asked shocked. "You heard me I don't love you, I love Iris." Barry spat. Hurt Y/N picked up her keys and opened the door. "I don't know if you actually mean that, but you can call me when you have made up your mind." Y/N said before she slammed the door.


Waited all night for you to come home
I always hated sleeping alone

Barry trudged up the stairs to "their" bedroom. He honestly didn't know if you were coming back. Of course, he loved you, you were his soul mate and you his. He couldn't get over the fact that he got angry because you told him you were pregnant. Barry sighed as he slipped into bed. Things would just have to be sorted in the morning. You both just needed some space.


Barry woke up to his phone ringing. He rubbed his eyes as he picked it up. "Hello?" Barry asked groggily. "Bare, I need you to come to my house as soon as possible." Joe said urgently. "I'll be there in a few." He said fully awake and zipping around to get dressed. A few seconds later he was at Joe's house. "Joe?" He called out as he opened the door. "Barry I need you to sit down." Joe said as he looked at Iris who seemed to be on the verge or a breakdown. "Whats going on?" He asked now worried. "It's Y/N." Barry looked at joe like a deer caught in some headlights. "What happened?" He asked again. "S-she got into an accident and by the time the ambulance arrived she was announced dead." Joe said as a few tears slid down Joe's cheek and Iris left the room. Barry blinked a few times, not believing anything. "No!" Barry cried out. "This is all my fault." He said as he ran his hand through his hair. "If I hadn't gotten angry last night then she would still be here. Joe, she was pregnant." Barry spoke incoherently.


I miss the long nights under street lights
When our hearts were made of gold
I miss the feeling that we had then
We were never growing old

Barry and you were goofing off, running around the dark city. "Barry, did you know that dry jokes were invented by people who were thirsty?" You laughed at your own dry joke. "Only you." Barry laughed.


Everyone's trying to help me move on
They say it gets better in the long run
You could say that I've a couple good days
But nobody's eyes shine quite the same way
I waited all night, yeah, you never came

It was clearly obvious nothing was the same without Y/N. Jesse and Wally missed having a second mother and friend, Harry missed the big belly burger Y/N would always get him, Cisco missed her dry ass jokes she would make every time she walked in. Caitlin missed having someone to talk every day in the lab, Felicity missed having someone kicked Oliver's ass, Oliver missed having someone kick his ass, Joe and Henry missed having a second daughter, Iris missed her best friend and Barry, missed everything. There wasn't as much light in anybody's eyes now. The news had all hit everyone hard in one way or another.

I miss the long nights under street lights
When our hearts were made of gold
I miss the feeling that we had then
We were never growing old

"Y/N you make me the happiest man alive, I love waking up to your beautiful face every morning, I love how you make my heart beat a million times faster when you say my name or I get butterflies every time your near me." He spoke as he got down on one knee and pulled out a small black box. "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, would do the honour of marrying me?" Your hands flew to your mouth. "Yes, a million times yes! Thank you, Barry." You said as he pulled you into a hug. "Your heart really does beat really fast. Barry." You teased.


I hope that the lipstick I left on your face
Stays red like the roses I laid on your grave

The service was nice, everyone you pretty much knew showed up. They all said a few words, placed some flowers on your coffin and left. All apart from Barry, he couldn't say the words he wanted to say infront of everyone, they were much too personal. So he sat there, a bouquet of red roses in his hand.

"Y/N, I know I'm the one to blame for your death. If I hadn't been scared then you would still be here, not in some hole. I understand if you come and haunt my ass, that would be at least some comfort I suppose." He laughed at his own attempt at a joke. "I'm so sorry I killed you. Rest in peace, love." He said as he placed a kiss on your headstone.

As he stepped into his car, he noticed a single red rose sitting in the passenger seat.

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