73 -Earth two

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(Thank you so much for all your lovely comments. It really made me feel 100x better about this situation.)

"Barry it's alright." You cried out, trying to stay calm. "No Y/N I am not leaving you, your my everything." Barry said desperately. "Barry, please just go. I don't want you to see my like this. I love you." You said placing your hands on Barry's cheeks. "No Y/N, don't say that. Please." Cold tears landed on your shirt. You didn't say anything. "Y/N? Y/N? No, no, no." He sobbed hugging your cold body.


Barry, Cisco and Harrison all stumbled into Earth two. "Welcome to my world." He gestured to the futuristic scenery the lay in front of them. "Woah." Cisco whispered. "Right that's enough. Let's go." He pulled the two boys along but letting them go once they started moving.

Cisco and Barry were a few meters behind Harrison. They were amazed at the sight. Well until they slammed into a wall. "Ouch." Barry winced as he touched his nose. "Okay, I'm just going to say this for both of us, I think this is enough for today. I would still like to keep my marvelous body the way it is." Cisco joked. "Agreed."

After discussing the plan, Barry raced over to Earth 2 earth. "Dude you look like a nerd." Cisco laughed at the very confused Barry. "Yeah, well I can't wait to see you. Your gonna look like such a loser." Barry joked back. Trying to hide the sudden wash of sadness. "Um Barry, can I talk to you for a second?" A very scared Barry nodded his head and was led outside.

"Do you happen to know a girl by the name of Y/N Y/L/N?" Barry asked. He just needed to hear your voice one more time. "Yes, she is my wife. Please don't hurt her." Earth two Barry begged. "I'm not going to, I would just like to call her. Can I borrow your phone?" Barry asked. Earth two Barry fumbled around in his pocket and put up your contact. It was the same number as it was back on Earth 1.

After a few rings you picked up. "Hi Barry what do you need?" You asked cheerily. "Um nothing. How are you?" He asked. "I'm good, Nora has gone to sleep and Henry is still at day care." There was a long pause. Barry had tears streaming down his face. "Okay that's good. I love you." He whispered as he hung up the phone.

(Will edit this later. As it probably doesn't make sense.)

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