17 -3 weeks (Pt2)

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"Jay saved me from The Flash. He told me that The Flash only saved people as an excuse to come and kill him. He also said that he wanted to kill me because I was another speedster like The Flash. The Flash or as you guys call him Barry kept me there and told Jay to beat me and threaten me but Jay didn't want to. So honestly I believe Jay Garrick is a good man." You say with tears in your eyes.

"Here you go" Jay says and passes you a silver trays with nothing but a small cup of broth. Knowing that Jay might've poisoned you, you take a small sip. Instantly you feel your throat start to close up. Jay just stands there laughing.

Barry stands there in shock as he realizes his girlfriend is afraid of him because of zoom. She had been brainwashed. He continues to listen until she is finished and then proceeds to leave.

You start choking on your own tears and realize that you are going to die. Suddenly Jay comes in a gives you another bowl. "Drink it" Jay says sternly. You quickly take another sip hoping that it will stop. You can finally breath. You inhale big gulps of air. "Thank me later" Jay says and walks off.

You get up and walk to the empty casket where your uniform was kept. "Barry stole my speed." You mutter. "What was that?" Caitlin asks "Oh uh nothing" You say and turn away from the casket. "Hey I want to head to head home and get out of this." You say motioning to your tattered uniform. "Yes just come back when your done. Please." Caitlin pleads before letting you go. "Sure" you say and walk home.

"If you don't shut up Barry is going to come and kill you" Jay snaps. You try your best to stop the hiccups from your tears. You look at the fresh burn on your arm that he just gave you minuets ago. It wasn't a small one. It almost was big enough to cover one side of your face. "Sorry"

Barry saw you walk home. "Hey Y/N can we please talk?" He saw the fear in Y/N eyes. "Don't worry I won't hurt you." Barry says. Y/N takes a few steps back before she allowed barry to speak. "Y/N whatever Jay said to you wasn't true. I didn't want to hurt. I came looking for you but he said that you were dead and I gave up but then he took you back to earth 1 and I knew you weren't and I wanted to save you but he had stolen your power and I didn't know what to do." Barry explained. "Ok whatever I have to go" Y/N says and walks home.

"Your friend the flash isn't looking for you anymore. He thinks" Jay started to laugh. "He thinks your dead" All you could do was cry.

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