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OH MY GOD GUYS! lol are you surprised to hear from me?! (i'm still here, amigos. proof is in my latest story Affection (shameless self promo).)

we reached 5k reads. that literally 5,000 pairs of eyes reading this story! wtf?! i feel so honored that you all take the time to read and vote and follow me and ugh! i love this so much!

thank you sooooo much i can't even explain how happy this makes me! reading your comments and seeing that you've voted and stuff like that makes me feel so good. it's like we're a wattpad family!

anyway..... i've had dreams about a SEQUAL to this book.....

how do you guys feel about that???

let me know.

-char ( @ wundersivan on twitter )
<3 <3 <3

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