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The main thing I was worried about this year was keeping my secrets exactly that: secrets. I knew it was ridiculous because it was the 21st century, after all. I didn't know, however, the way that anyone would react to the fact that I am gay.

We have just moved to LA from a small town in Minnesota. A drastic change for mom and I. I'm not sure why she chose Los Angeles. I had a feeling that she just wanted a change of scenery and a some adventure for me. So her company had agreed to transfer her to the LA location, due to our circumstances, and we packed up with the money that we had saved and left in the dead of night.

We drove for hours and finally got to our nice, new apartment. It was in a big complex but not too far up in the building. It had brick walls on the inside and nice hard wood floors. There was a lot of open space and as soon as we had stepped inside I put my bags down and looked around.

There were three bedrooms and mom had obviously claimed the master. I chose a room that had been painted a dark blue. There was one brick wall that had a queen sized bed frame pressed against it. In my mind I invisioned where I would put a desk, maybe a chair and a small dresser. I figured that most of the clothes that I brought with me would go in the rather large closet.

That was five days ago and I still don't have much furniture. The only thing I'd been able to get was a mattress and some sheets. My room was the most boring and tranquil labyrinth I had ever encountered.

Tomorrow would be my first day at Pacific Coast High Scool. I would be entering the double doors in the middle of the first semester and not knowing where anything was. It was safe to say that I wasn't too excited for the day ahead of me but there was nothing I could do to change it. At least I am a senior and only have one more year of the torture of public school.

Now, I walk down the spiral staircase and found a note from my mother. 

Be back soon. Was called in to work.

It was only her second day at work and although it wasn't completely new to her, being a doctor in a new location was probably tough for her. She was always working back in Minnesota and now that we're here, I don't really expect anything different. I just wish we could have taken my car when we left somehow. Mom says we will get it back eventually.

I unbox somethings still sitting in the kitchen. The stainless steal countertops and refrigerator were so pristine that it felt wrong to touch them. I put away some of our new silver wear and find a cabinet for the containers and measuring cups. As soon as I saw that there was still some coffee left in the coffee maker, I poured myself a cup and headed upstairs.

It was around 10 o'clock and I suddenly realized that I should shower before my first day tomorrow. Once I finally untangled myself from the comforter and took off my clothes, I walked into my connected bathroom and turned on the hot water. I looked at myself in the mirror while the water warmed up.

Bruises scattered my chest and abdomen. Nail marks wrapped around my wrists. The circles under my eyes added a nice affect that made me look like a drug dealer. I was so pale in the light and I couldn't stand to look at myself any longer so I stepped into the shower and let the water rush over my eyelids pushing my hair out  of its quiff and down over my forehead. I relaxed instantly feeling the warmth spread.

I thought about the water. One of my favorite things was water. I remembered how good I was on the swim team and how much I felt like I fit in there. I had to stop when the beating got bad. It was impossible to cover up my body so that no one would see the bruises forming.

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