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troye's pov

I really don't want to tell Connor what I'm about to tell him. I don't want to see the look on his face, the pity. I know what it will look like. He'll probably hug me and tell me that it's gonna be fine and it'll be over in time and nothing will change between us. I can see what's about to happen.

"Connor," I whisper. He looks up from the pot of pasta that he was preparing and giggled at my somewhat searious tone.

"Yessss?" He wiggles around dancing to the music in his head. He's been really happy the past few days that we've been back together. Not, like, together together. I'm over at his apartment right now and he's making dinner. His mom is nowhere to be seen, but that was expected. We plan on having a documentary night because we found out that we both love them. I hope I don't ruin it when I say this.

"I'm going to be gone for two weeks. In the hospital." I looked at the ground but I felt him turning around toward me. He knew exactly what I was talking about. I didn't want to look.

"T, maybe it's for the best. Not that this is a good thing, but you know you're not healthy, right?"

I will not cry.

"Yeah, I realize. Now. I just wanted to tell you instead of disappearing like before." I can feel him noticing my expression. He wants to make me feel better.

"Hey, maybe you'll make a friend!" He tries. Against my will, I smile a little and heat rises to my cheeks.

"Come here," he welcomes, enveloping me into his arms. We hugged for a long time like we always do. It was sweet and cuddley, but disappointingly platonic. Or at least felt that way. Then as soon as I thought he was pulling away, he comes back in, tickling my rib cage. I scream and curse at him trying to get him back but not daring to take my arms away giving him the chance to attack my arm pits. I laugh and he laughs. Somehow we end up on the couch rather close, but I'm not complaining.

Connor gets up to take the pasta off the stove and I'm left cold and lonely. He comes back with two bowls of wonderful (torturous) smelling food. I know he wants me to eat it.

"No pressure okay? Trust me I always have left overs, don't feel like you have to eat."

"Thanks." And I really mean it. He makes me feel like I don't have to pretend.

We sit there and watch a documentary about a girl in France and it's alright. I find myself just staring at my bowl of pasta wishing I was normal and wishing that I wanted to put it inside of my body. I eat two of the little bow tie noodles over a course of ten minutes. Once the movie was over I had eaten six noodles. I felt alright and I could tell that Connor was happy.

When Con came back from the kitchen, putting our bowls in the dishwasher, he sat down and let out a long sigh. It made me laugh for some reason.

"Are you okay? Tired little boy?" He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"When are you leaving?"

"Monday morning."

"So we have two more days. I can work with that."

"Jesus, Connor, I'm not on my death bed!" I laughed out. "You won't even notice that I'm gone!"

"I know...I just can't visit you there and I know that I was okay before I met you but I'm just gonna be lonely. Maybe my mom will come home early sometime soon."

"Or 'Maybe you'll make a friend!'"he says, teasing my prior statement.

"Shut up, I was trying to lighten the mood!"

"I know I'm sorry I ruined it in the first place."

He tackles me then and yells, "Noooo!" squishing me and not letting me get out.

"Get off of me you....pickle!"

"What the hell?" He was laughing so hard.

"I panicked!" I squealed. I'm still underneath this boy. I'm beginning to think he's trying to make more sexual tension.

"Connor I have to pee get off!" He whines and gets up then letting me get up. As I walk to the bathroom he takes out his phone to entertain himself in my absence. Suddenly, I turn around unexpectedly I run back landing on top of him.

"Haha! Mellet conquers all!"

Connor cannot stop laughing and it's making me so happy to see him so happy. He never stops smiling while I keep him from wiggling around. As soon as I pin his arms up by his head, we both realize how awkward things are getting.

"We are rather close," I whisper, out of breathe.

"Indeed," Connor breaths out.

We stay like this for at least thirty more seconds staring at eachother. I can't stop myself from glancing at his lips. They're real nice looking. He looks at mine too.

Out of some instinct I didn't know I had, I lean down and peck his nose softly then scramble off of him like the tease I am.

"Sorry, I really do have to pee."

I run away laughing as he curses me. At least now I know that he wants to kiss me, too. It's funny that we act like we haven't kissed yet but I just feel that the first one wasn't special enough and I want it to mean something. I don't know if that's stupid or not but I don't really care.

When I come out of the bathroom I see that's it's almost nine o'clock and I panick a little.

"Con, I gotta go home. My mom will be worried."

"Oh. Okay."

"Come over tomorrow though, okay? And we're having dinner on Sunday and my mom said you could come."

"Okay sure. Yeah." All of the sudden he looks very drab.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine! Go you need to get home!"

"Con... I don't want to leave you alone."

"I'll be fine! Did you forget that I'm alone every night?" I felt so guilty leaving him like this. I knew his mom would only come home for an hour or so in the early hours of the morning if she came home at all. I think he's more lonely than he'd want to admit.

"Come with me."

"What?" He looks confused but excited, too.

"We can have a slumber party!"



We both send our moms texts and get on our way. Connor gathers his things and seems more excited than I would've expected. Has he never done this before?

We walk to my home in sunset, our hands occasionally brushing creating bright red blotches on our cheeks.

He makes me really happy.


hey chaps! how are ya?

I hope you liked this chapter and if you did let me know bc that makes me happy. vote and comment and share and follow !

luv ya

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