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troye's pov

Connors dad is here. The one he never talked about and the one in which he flinched at the slightest mention of. He has a bruised and busted face and I know exactly what's going on. Connor moved here escaping his father and is scared from the abuse that he has endured by him. His mom drowns herself in work to distract herself from the past and to support their family as a single parent. Connors dad seems to be a homophobic drunken mess.

I simply can't believe it. That day in the bathroom, Connor said he was just thinking about something. He must have been thinking of his father and his old life. He had just started to open up to me and then, poof. His father comes and ruins all chances of Connor letting me in.

He just looked so scared. All I wanted to do was hold him but I knew from the moment he opened the door that something was terribly wrong. His dad just made me so uncomfortable and I can only imagine how Connor feels actually living with him.

When I'm walking home and trying to sort through my thoughts is when it actually hits me, that Con is being abused. My blood boils and my heart drops as I think about his severed face and I can't help but wonder what his body looks like. I feel like I need to say something and try to get the police involved but he threatened me and Connor had this pleading look on his face that begged me not to tell. I would talk to him about it tomorrow.

Now, as I made my way into the house, a worried expression on my face, Sage approaches me, leads me up to her room and tells me that Connor was acting strange around her and that he's really depressed and doesn't talk anymore. It broke my heart and I told her what happened when I went over to his apartment.

"So you think his dad is hurting him?" Sage asks, pushing pillows off her bed and sitting across from me.

"Sagey, you should've seen him," I whisper, shakily. "When his dad came up beside him he looked truly terrified. His body was shaking and his eyes were so dark and sad."

"Jesus, T. Don't you think we should do something?"

"Let me talk to him tomorrow. Maybe he will tell me what's going on."

"I hope so, this is really fucked up," Sage sighs.

"I just can't believe how homophobic his dad was. I guess it's just because we live in such a liberal area and I'm not used to people being that way, but it was so terrible. He blamed me for 'turning Connor gay.' It sickens me and I can tell it sickens Connor, too." Sage nods in agreement.

Later that night I lay in bed and think of Connor and what he might be doing right now. Maybe hiding from his dad or crying himself to sleep. Thinking these things made me so tense and angry at his situation. He truly deserves so much better than what life has given him and it pisses me off so, so much.

In the  morning, I get up and try to get myself together for my first day back at school. I doubt anyone noticed I was gone but I'm still nervous to go just because some people might notice things that are different about me. For one, the color has come back to my face and my eyes seem brighter. I look healthy. I tear myself away from the mirror before I can pick out any imperfections. My outfit, seemingly bright for my taste, is a pink turtle neck and vintage mom jeans that I literally got from my mom. I don't know why but she loves when I wear her clothing. I can't help but wonder what Connor is wearing today and I feel excited, yet nervous to see him.

My mom has a small plate of scrambled eggs and toast on the counter when I come down and sits with me until I eat at least half, like she does for every meal. I take my anxiety medication, hug my mom and leave the house getting into my car. On the drive to school I can feel my stomach swirling still getting used to having food in it most times. The doctor says I'm still not eating a normal amount but it's a good start. My mother is trying really hard to make healthy things so that I don't feel like I'm eating terribly and my siblings never ask me if I can drive them to get food somewhere because they know how triggering it can be to smell all those foods.

Once I make it to school, the swirls in my stomach have left being replaced by butterflies. They were here for Connor. I go to Mr. Lane's room, trying to avoid as many people as I can. Thankfully when I get there no one is inside because as soon as Mr. Lane sees me in the door way he is pouncing over and hugging me. I was not really expecting it, but it was nice.

"Troye! My favorite student is back!" he exclaims, admitting his obvious favoritism for me.

"Miss me, Lany?" I tease, pushing him off of me slightly.

"Dearly. I know someone else has missed you, too." Mr. Lane drops to a whisper and points his finger behind me at the door. I am afraid to turn because I know who will be there. Mr. Lane makes a lame excuse to leave and I hear him mutter, "Excuse me, Connor."

When I hear him leave and the door shut, I turn and look at him. I let out an involuntary gasp at how he looks. His eyes are sunken in and purple underneath. He was pale and his hair was  messy. He wore wrinkled clothes and a sad expression. I didn't know how to approach him, but even if I wanted to I felt trapped in my position.

He wouldn't look at me.


hellloooo I'm so sorry this took forever but I like this chapter and I hope you do too! It's a little short but oh well.

Also, if you were wondering, I did name Mr. Lane after the band LANY (check em out) and you can see that in this chapter when Troye uses it as a nickname.

The pic of Troye at the top resembles his hatred for Connors dad :)
(Troye for real though wyd in that pic)

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